Agence Nationale de Certification Electronique

TunTrust PKI
Certificate Policy / Certification Practice Statement

Version 5.7



The Agence Nationale de Certification Electronique was founded in accordance with Law no. 2000-83 of 9 August 2000 governing electronic exchanges and commerce in Tunisia. The Agence Nationale de Certification Electronique is a government-owned Certificate Authority (CA) and will be referred to in the remainder of this document with its trademark name “TunTrust”.

In this document, the words “TunTrust” and “TunTrust CA” and “TunTrust PKI” are used interchangeably and include the TunTrust Root CAs and Issuing CAs of the Agence Nationale de Certification Electronique.

Referred as Certificate Policy and Certification Practice Statement (CP/CPS), this document has been prepared in compliance with the guide book of “IETF RFC 3647 Internet X.509 Public Key Infrastructure Certificate Policy and Certification Practices Framework” for the purpose of describing how TunTrust executes its operations during providing OV SSL (Organization Validated SSL) certificates to domain names restricted by the “.tn” top-level domain for Tunisia and owned by entities operating under the Tunisian Jurisdiction.

TunTrust conforms to the current version of the Baseline Requirements for the Issuance and Management of Publicly-Trusted TLS Server Certificates published at In the event of any inconsistency between this document and those Requirements, those Requirements take precedence over this document.

This CP/CPS document describes the execution of the services in regard to accepting Certificate applications, Certificate issuance and management, and Certificate revocation procedures in compliance with administrative, technical and legal requirements.

This CP/CPS also determines practice responsibilities and obligations of TunTrust, applicants, subscribers and relying parties that use or rely on Certificates issued by TunTrust.

Pursuant to the IETF PKIX RFC 3647 CP/CPS framework, this CP/CPS is divided into nine parts that cover the security controls and practices and procedures for Certificate services operated by TunTrust. To preserve the outline specified by RFC 3647, section headings that do not apply are accompanied with the statement “Not applicable” or “No stipulation” along with a brief explanation of the reason.


This document is the CP/CPS followed by TunTrust while providing OV SSL certification services and was approved for publication by the TunTrust Board of Directors. This CP/CPS document is disclosed to the public at

Note: The OID of TunTrust is joint-iso-itu-t(2) country(16) tn(788) public-sector(1) public-sector-enterprises(2) tuntrust(7). The OID of the present document is: 2.16.788.

Revisions of this document have been made as follows:

Revision History

Version Date Comment Changes
00 19 November 2018 Draft The whole document
01 12 April 2019 The first CP/CPS document for public The whole document
02 30 April 2019 The second version of the CP/CPS Appendix A, B and C
03 20 September 2019 The third version of the CP/CPS Numerous sections updated: 1.3, 1.4.2, 1.5, 1.6, 2.2, 2.3, etc.
04 02 October 2019 The fourth version of the CP/CPS Updates to sections: 1.3.1, 4.2.1, 4.9.3, etc.
04.1 26 May 2020 Complying with CA/B Forum SC23, SC24, SC25, SC27 ballots Sections 1.6.1,,, etc.
04.2 24 August 2020 Complying with CA/B Forum SC31 and SC33 ballots Sections 1.6.1,,, etc.
04.3 27 August 2020 Clean-up and fixing typos Sections 11.6.1, 4.2.1, 4.3.1, etc.
04.4 01 December 2020 Complying with CA/B Forum Ballots SC28 & SC35 Sections 1.5.2, 1.6.1, 2.2, etc.
04.5 02 December 2020 Adding details about Certificate Problem Reporting Section 1.5.2
04.6 14 April 2021 Exceptions for CAA records checking Section 4.2.4
04.7 30 April 2021 Methods to demonstrate private key compromise Sections 4.9.12 and
04.8 20 September 2021 Complying with CA/B Forum Ballots SC46 & SC48 Sections 1.6.1, 1.6.2, 3.1.2, etc.
04.9 08 April 2022 Complying with CA/B Forum Ballots SC50, SC51, SC53 Sections 1.6.1, 5.4.1, 5.4.2, etc.
05 16 January 2023 Complying with CA/B Forum SC56 ballot Sections 1.2, 1.6.1,, etc.
05.1 12 September 2023 Revocation of TunTrust Qualified CA, complying with SC61, SC62, SC63 ballots Sections 1.3.1, 1.6.1, 3.2.6, etc.
05.2 01 March 2024 Complying with CA/B Forum SC-066 and Section 6 of RFC 3647 Correcting typos and adding hyperlinks.
05.3 24 May 2024 Complying with CA/B Forum SC69 Sections 5.4.1 &
05.4 02 September 2024 Complying with CA/B Forum SC65, SC73, SC75 Sections 1.3.3, 1.6.1,, etc.
05.5 30 October 2024 Complying with CA/B Forum SC76 and introducing governmental web services Sections,, 4.2.1, etc.
05.6 16 December 2024 Correcting typos and complying with SC78 Sections 4.10.3 &
05.7 16 December 2024 Adding Method Section


PKI Participants defined within the scope of this document are the parties bearing relevant rights and obligations within OV SSL certification services of TunTrust.
These parties are defined as CA, Registration Authority, Subscribers, Certificate Managers and Relying Parties.


TunTrust CA provides OV SSL certification services in accordance with this CP/CPS. As a CA, TunTrust performs functions associated with Public Key operations, including receiving Certificate requests, issuing, and revoking OV SSL Certificates, and maintaining, issuing, and publishing CRLs and OCSP responses.
The TunTrust PKI consists of a two-level CA hierarchy:

Certificate profiles of TunTrust PKI are detailed in Appendix A.


TunTrust does not delegate the execution of Section 3.2 requirement to a Delegated Third Party. TunTrust operates an internal Registration Authority located in the same infrastructure as its CA offerings, referred to in this document as TunTrust RA, where all registration procedures are directly executed by TunTrust personnel as described in Section 3.2.
TunTrust personnel involved in the issuance of OV SSL certificates must meet and follow the requirements set out in Sections 4.2 and 5.3.
TunTrust RA manages and performs the following roles and responsibilities:


Subscribers are legal entities under the Tunisian Jurisdiction who apply for OV SSL Certificates from TunTrust CA and agree to be bound by the relevant Subscriber Agreement. In this document, a Subscriber who has registered, but not yet received, a Certificate is referred to as an Applicant.
In some situations, TunTrust acts as an Applicant or Subscriber, for instance, when it generates and protects a Private Key, requests a Certificate, demonstrates control of a Domain, or obtains a Certificate for its own use.


A Relying party is any natural person or legal entity that relies on a Valid OV SSL Certificate issued by TunTrust CA. Relying Parties are responsible for verifying the validity of the Certificates.
To verify the validity of a Certificate, Relying Parties can refer to the CRL or OCSP response. The locations of the CRL distribution point and OCSP responder are detailed within the Certificate.


As part of this CP/CPS, a Certificate Manager is a natural person who is either Applicant, employed by Applicant, or an authorized agent who has express authority to represent Applicant and is responsible for the use of the certificate (and associated private key).
Certificate Managers must meet the conditions and obligations that are set in this CP/CPS and in the Subscriber Agreement. The Certificate is attached to the Subscriber and not to the Certificate Manager. In case of change of Certificate Manager, the Subscriber shall report it to TunTrust and appoint a successor.


In addition to the PKI participants described in Sections 1.3.2, 1.3.3 and 1.3.4, TunTrust will involve other parties as needed. TunTrust will contractually obligate each party to comply with all applicable requirements in this CP/CPS and monitor its compliance.



OV SSL Certificates are used to secure online communication and transactions where the risks of data compromise and fraud exist. The OV SSL Certificate allows the end entity to prove its identity to other participants and maintaining the integrity of the transaction.
At all times, Subscribers are required to use Certificates in accordance with this CP/CPS and all applicable laws and regulations.


Certificate use is restricted by using Certificate extensions on key usage and extended key usage. Any usage of the Certificate inconsistent with these extensions is not authorized.
Certificates issued under this CP/CPS may not be used (i) for any application requiring fail safe performance such as (a) air traffic control systems, (b) aircraft navigation systems, © weapons control systems, or (e) any other system whose failure could lead to injury, death or environmental damage; or (ii) where prohibited by law.
OV SSL Certificates issued under this CP/CPS do not guarantee that the Subject is trustworthy, operating a reputable business or that the equipment on which the Certificate has been installed is not free from defect, malware or virus.



The organization administering the CP/CPS is TunTrust. Its Board of Directors acts as the Certificate Policy Authority. The Board of Directors is composed of the senior management of TunTrust. The TunTrust Board of Directors is the highest level management body with final authority and responsibility for:


TunTrust Certificate Policy Authority may be contacted at the following address:
TUNTRUST - Agence Nationale de Certification Electronique Policy Authority Technopark El Ghazala, Road of Raoued, Ariana 2083, Tunisia Tel.: +216 70 834 600 Mail : Web :

Subscribers, Relying Parties, Application Software Suppliers, and other third parties can submit Certificate Problem reports of suspected Private Key Compromise, Certificate misuse, or other types of fraud, compromise, misuse, inappropriate conduct, or any other matter related to Certificates via email to [email protected]. Further details are available in


The Certificate Policy Authority is responsible for determining the suitability and applicability of this CP/CPS based on the results and recommendations received from a Qualified Auditor as specified in Section 8.


TunTrust Certificate Policy Authority will approve the CP/CPS, along with any amendments. Any amendments made to the CP/CPS will be reviewed by the Certificate Policy Authority for consistency with the practices that are implemented prior to its approval. Changes made will be tracked within the revision table. Refer to Section 9.12 below for CP/CPS amendment procedure.



Affiliate: A corporation, partnership, joint venture or other entity controlling, controlled by, or under common control with another entity, or an agency, department, political subdivision, or any entity operating under the direct control of a Government Entity.

Applicant: The natural person or Legal Entity that applies for (or seeks renewal of) a Certificate. Once the Certificate is issued, the Applicant is referred to as the Subscriber. For Certificates issued to devices, the Applicant is the entity that controls or operates the device named in the Certificate, even if the device is sending the actual Certificate request.

Applicant Representative: A natural person or human sponsor who is either the Applicant, employed by the Applicant, or an authorized agent who has express authority to represent the Applicant:

Application Software Supplier: A supplier of Internet browser software or other relying-party application software that displays or uses Certificates and incorporates Root Certificates.

Attestation Letter: A letter attesting that Subject Information is correct written by an accountant, lawyer, government official or other reliable third party customarily relied upon for such information.

Audit Period: In a period-of-time audit, the period between the first day (start) and the last day of operations (end) covered by the auditors in their engagement. (This is not the same as the period of time when the auditors are on-site at the CA.) The coverage rules and maximum length of audit periods are defined in section 8.1.

Audit Report: A report from a Qualified Auditor stating the Qualified Auditor’s opinion on whether an entity’s processes and controls comply with the mandatory provisions of the CA/B Forum Baseline Requirements for the Issuance and Management of Publicly-Trusted TLS Server Certificates.

Authorization Domain Name: The FQDN used to obtain authorization for Certificate issuance for a given FQDN to be included in a Certificate. The CA may use the FQDN returned from a DNS CNAME lookup as the FQDN for the purposes of domain validation. If a Wildcard Domain Name is to be included in a Certificate, then the CA MUST remove “*.” from the left-most portion of the Wildcard Domain Name to yield the corresponding FQDN. The CA may prune zero or more Domain Labels of the FQDN from left to right until encountering a Base Domain Name and may use any one of the values that were yielded by pruning (including the Base Domain Name itself) for the purpose of domain validation.

Authorized Ports: One of the following ports: 80 (http), 443 (https), 25 (smtp), 22 (ssh).

Base Domain Name: The portion of an applied-for FQDN that is the first Domain Name node left of a registry controlled or public suffix plus the registry-controlled or public suffix (e.g. "" or ""). For FQDNs where the right-most Domain Name node is a gTLD having ICANN Specification 13 in its registry agreement, the gTLD itself may be used as the Base Domain Name.

Baseline Requirements: The Baseline Requirements for the Issuance and Management of Publicly-Trusted TLS Server Certificates as published by the CA/Browser Forum and any amendments to such document.

CAA: From RFC 8659 ( “The Certification Authority Authorization (CAA) DNS Resource Record allows a DNS domain name holder to specify one or more Certification Authorities (CAs) authorized to issue Certificates for that domain name. CAA Resource Records allow a public CA to implement additional controls to reduce the risk of unintended Certificate mis-issue.”

CA Key Pair: A Key Pair where the Public Key appears as the Subject Public Key Info in one or more Root CA Certificate(s) and/or Subordinate CA Certificate(s).

Certificate: An electronic document that uses a digital signature to bind a public key and an identity.

Certificate Data: Certificate requests and data related thereto (whether obtained from the Applicant or otherwise) in the CA’s possession or control or to which the CA has access.

Certificate Management Process: Processes, practices, and procedures associated with the use of keys, software, and hardware, by which the CA verifies Certificate Data, issues Certificates, maintains a Repository, and revokes Certificates.

Certificate Management System: A system used by a CA or Delegated Third Party to process, approve issuance of, or store certificates or certificate status information, including the database, database server, and storage.

Certificate Policy: A set of rules that indicates the applicability of a named Certificate to a particular community and/or PKI implementation with common security requirements.

Certificate Problem Report: Complaint of suspected Key Compromise, Certificate misuse, or other types of fraud, compromise, misuse, or inappropriate conduct related to Certificates.

Certificate Profile: A set of documents or files that defines requirements for Certificate content and Certificate extensions in accordance with Section 7 of the Baseline Requirements. e.g. a Section in a CA’s CPS or a certificate template file used by CA software.

Certificate Systems: The system used by a CA or Delegated Third Party in providing identity verification, registration and enrollment, certificate approval, issuance, validity status, support, and other PKI‐related services.

Certificate Transparency: To ensure Certificates function properly throughout their lifecycle, TunTrust will log SSL Certificates with a public Certificate transparency database if the subscriber signs the subscriber agreement and therefore opts for the publication of the log containing information relating to his certificate. Because this will become a requirement for Certificate functionality, Subscriber cannot opt out of this process. Log server information is publicly accessible. Once submitted, information cannot be removed from a log server.

Certificate Revocation List: A regularly updated time-stamped list of revoked Certificates that is created and digitally signed by the CA that issued the Certificates.

Certification Authority: An organization that is responsible for the creation, issuance, revocation, and management of Certificates. The term applies equally to both Root CAs and Subordinate CAs.

Certification Practice Statement: One of several documents forming the governance framework in which Certificates are created, issued, managed, and used.

Control: “Control” (and its correlative meanings, “controlled by” and “under common control with”) means possession, directly or indirectly, of the power to:

Country: Either a member of the United Nations OR a geographic region recognized as a Sovereign State by at least two UN member nations.

Cross -Certified Subordinate CA Certificate: A Certificate that is used to establish a trust relationship between two CAs.

CSPRNG: A random number generator intended for use in a cryptographic system.

Delegated Third Party: A natural person or Legal Entity that is not the CA, and whose activities are not within the scope of the appropriate CA audits, but is authorized by the CA to assist in the Certificate Management Process by performing or fulfilling one or more of the CA requirements found herein.

Delegated Third Party System: Any part of a Certificate System used by a Delegated Third Party while performing the functions delegated to it by the CA.

DNS CAA Email Contact: The email address defined in section A.1.1 of the Baseline Requirements.

DNS CAA Phone Contact: The phone number defined in Section A.1.2 of the Baseline Requirements.

DNS TXT Record Email Contact: The email address defined in Section A.2.1of the Baseline Requirements.

DNS TXT Record Phone Contact: The phone number defined in Section A.2.2of the Baseline Requirements.

Domain Contact: The Domain Name Registrant, technical contact, or administrative contact (or the equivalent under a ccTLD) as listed in the WHOIS record of the Base Domain Name or in a DNS SOA record, or as obtained through direct contact with the Domain Name Registrar.

Domain Label: From RFC 8499 ( “An ordered list of zero or more octets that makes up a portion of a domain name. Using graph theory, a label identifies one node in a portion of the graph of all possible domain names.”

Domain Name: An ordered list of one or more Domain Labels assigned to a node in the Domain Name System.

Domain Namespace: The set of all possible Domain Names those are subordinate to a single node in the Domain Name System.

Domain Name Registrant: Sometimes referred to as the “owner” of a Domain Name, but more properly the person(s) or entity(ies) registered with a Domain Name Registrar as having the right to control how a Domain Name is used, such as the natural person or Legal Entity that is listed as the “Registrant” by WHOIS or the Domain Name Registrar.

Domain Name Registrar: A person or entity that registers Domain Names under the auspices of or by agreement with: (i) the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN), (ii) a national Domain Name authority/registry, or (iii) a Network Information Center (including their affiliates, contractors, delegates, successors, or assignees).

Expiry Date: The “Not After” date in a Certificate that defines the end of a Certificate’s validity period.

Fully-Qualified Domain Name: A Domain Name that includes the Domain Labels of all superior nodes in the Internet Domain Name System.

Government Agency: In the context of a Private Organization, the government agency in the Jurisdiction of Incorporation under whose authority the legal existence of Private Organizations is established (e.g., the government agency that issued the Certificate of Incorporation). In the context of Business Entities, the government agency in the jurisdiction of operation that registers business entities. In the case of a Government Entity, the entity that enacts law, regulations, or decrees establishing the legal existence of Government Entities.

Government Entity: A government-operated legal entity, agency, department, ministry, branch, or similar element of the government of a country, or political subdivision within such country (such as a state, province, city, county, etc.).

High Risk Certificate Request: A Request that the CA flags for additional scrutiny by reference to internal criteria and databases maintained by the CA, which may include names at higher risk for phishing or other fraudulent usage, names contained in previously rejected Certificate requests or revoked Certificates, names listed on the Miller Smiles phishing list or the Google Safe Browsing list, or names that the CA identifies using its own risk-mitigation criteria.

Individual: A natural person.

Internal Name: A string of characters (not an IP address) in a Common Name or Subject Alternative Name field of a Certificate that cannot be verified as globally unique within the public DNS at the time of Certificate issuance because it does not end with a Top Level Domain registered in IANA’s Root Zone Database.

IP Address: A 32-bit or 128-bit number assigned to a device that uses the Internet Protocol for communication.

IP Address Contact: The person(s) or entity(ies) registered with an IP Address Registration Authority as having the right to control how one or more IP Addresses are used.

IP Address Registration Authority: The Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) or a Regional Internet Registry (RIPE, APNIC, ARIN, AfriNIC, LACNIC).

Issuing CA: In relation to a particular Certificate, the CA that issued the Certificate. This could be either a Root CA or a Subordinate CA.

Key Compromise: A Private Key is said to be compromised if its value has been disclosed to an unauthorized person or an unauthorized person has had access to it.

Key Generation Script: A documented plan of procedures for the generation of a CA Key Pair.

Key Pair: The Private Key and its associated Public Key.

LDH Label: From RFC 5890 ( “A string consisting of ASCII letters, digits, and the hyphen with the further restriction that the hyphen cannot appear at the beginning or end of the string. Like all DNS labels, its total length must not exceed 63 octets.”

Legal Entity: An association, corporation, partnership, proprietorship, trust, government entity or other entity with legal standing in a country’s legal system.

Linting: A process in which the content of digitally signed data such as a Precertificate [RFC 6962], Certificate, Certificate Revocation List, or OCSP response, or data-to-be-signed object such as a tbsCertificate (as described in [RFC 5280, Section]) is checked for conformance with the profiles and requirements defined in the Baseline Requirements.

Multi-Factor Authentication: An authentication mechanism consisting of two or more of the following independent categories of credentials (i.e. factors) to verify the user’s identity for a login or other transaction: something you know (knowledge factor), something you have (possession factor), and something you are (inherence factor). Each factor must be independent. Certificate based authentication can be used as part of Multifactor Authentication only if the private key is stored in a Secure Key Storage Device.

Non-Reserved LDH Label: From RFC 5890 ( “The set of valid LDH labels that do not have ’--’ in the third and fourth positions.”

Object Identifier: A unique alphanumeric or numeric identifier registered under the International Organization for Standardization’s applicable standard for a specific object or object class.

OCSP Responder: An online server operated under the authority of the CA and connected to its Repository for processing Certificate status requests. See also, Online Certificate Status Protocol.

Online Certificate Status Protocol: An online Certificate-checking protocol that enables relying-party application software to determine the status of an identified Certificate. See also OCSP Responder.

Parent Company: A company that Controls a Subsidiary Company.

Pending Prohibition: The use of a behavior described with this label is highly discouraged, as it is planned to be deprecated and will likely be designated as MUST NOT in the future.

Private Key: The key of a Key Pair that is kept secret by the holder of the Key Pair, and that is used to create Digital Signatures and/or to decrypt electronic records or files that were encrypted with the corresponding Public Key.

Public Key: The key of a Key Pair that may be publicly disclosed by the holder of the corresponding Private Key and that is used by a Relying Party to verify Digital Signatures created with the holder’s corresponding Private Key and/or to encrypt messages so that they can be decrypted only with the holder’s corresponding Private Key.

Public Key Infrastructure: A set of hardware, software, people, procedures, rules, policies, and obligations used to facilitate the trustworthy creation, issuance, management, and use of Certificates and keys based on Public Key Cryptography.

Publicly-Trusted Certificate: A Certificate that is trusted by virtue of the fact that its corresponding Root Certificate is distributed as a trust anchor in widely-available application software.

P-Label: A XN-Label that contains valid output of the Punycode algorithm (as defined in RFC 3492, Section 6.3) from the fifth and subsequent positions.

Qualified Auditor: A natural person or Legal Entity that meets the requirements of Section 8.2 of the CA/B Forum Baseline Requirements.

Random Value: A value specified by a CA to the Applicant that exhibits at least 112 bits of entropy.

Registered Domain Name: A Domain Name that has been registered with a Domain Name Registrar.

Registration Authority (RA): Any Legal Entity that is responsible for identification and authentication of subjects of Certificates, but is not a CA, and hence does not sign or issue Certificates. An RA may assist in the Certificate application process or revocation process or both. When “RA” is used as an adjective to describe a role or function, it does not necessarily imply a separate body, but can be part of the CA.

Reliable Data Source: An identification document or source of data used to verify Subject Identity Information that is generally recognized among commercial enterprises and governments as reliable, and which was created by a third party for a purpose other than the Applicant obtaining a Certificate.

Reliable Method of Communication: A method of communication, such as a postal/courier delivery address, telephone number, or email address, that was verified using a source other than the Applicant Representative.

Relying Party: Any natural person or Legal Entity that relies on a Valid Certificate. An Application Software Supplier is not considered a Relying Party when software distributed by such Supplier merely displays information relating to a Certificate. Relying Parties must read and agree to TunTrust’s relying party agreement available at

Repository: An online database containing publicly-disclosed PKI governance documents (such as Certificate Policies and Certification Practice Statements) and Certificate status information, either in the form of a CRL or an OCSP response.

Request Token: A value derived in a method specified by the CA which binds this demonstration of control to the certificate request. The Request Token SHALL incorporate the key used in the certificate request.
A Request Token MAY include a timestamp to indicate when it was created. A Request Token MAY include other information to ensure its uniqueness. A Request Token that includes a timestamp SHALL remain valid for no more than 30 days from the time of creation. A Request Token that includes a timestamp SHALL be treated as invalid if its timestamp is in the future. A Request Token that does not include a timestamp is valid for a single use and the CA SHALL NOT re-use it for a subsequent validation. The binding SHALL use a digital signature algorithm or a cryptographic hash algorithm at least as strong as that to be used in signing the certificate request.

Note: Examples of Request Tokens include, but are not limited to:
(i) a hash of the public key; or
(ii) a hash of the Subject Public Key Info [X.509]; or
(iii) a hash of a PKCS#10 CSR.
A Request Token may also be concatenated with a timestamp or other data. If a CA wanted to always use a hash of a PKCS#10 CSR as a Request Token and did not want to incorporate a timestamp and did want to allow certificate key re-use then the applicant might use the challenge password in the creation of a CSR with OpenSSL to ensure uniqueness even if the subject and key are identical between subsequent requests.

Note: This simplistic shell command produces a Request Token which has a timestamp and a hash of a CSR.

echo date -u +%Y%m%d%H%M sha256sum <r2.csr | sed “s/[ -]//g”
The script outputs:

Required Website Content: Either a Random Value or a Request Token, together with additional information that uniquely identifies the Subscriber, as specified by the CA.

Requirements: The Baseline Requirements of the CA/B Forum.

Reserved IP Address: An IPv4 or IPv6 address that is contained in the address block of any entry in either of the following IANA registries:

Root CA: The top level Certification Authority whose Root Certificate is distributed by Application Software Suppliers and that issues Subordinate CA Certificates.

Root CA System: A system used to create a Root Certificate or to generate, store, or sign with the Private Key associated with a Root Certificate.

Root Certificate: The self-signed Certificate issued by the Root CA to identify itself and to facilitate verification of Certificates issued to its Subordinate CAs.

Root Key Generation Script: A documented plan of procedures to be performed for the generation of the Root CA Key Pair.

Secure Key Storage Device: A device certified as meeting at least FIPS 140-2 level 2 overall, level 3 physical, or Common Criteria (EAL 4+).

Short-lived Subscriber Certificate: For Certificates issued on or after 15 March 2024 and prior to 15 March 2026, a Subscriber Certificate with a Validity Period less than or equal to 10 days (864,000 seconds). For Certificates issued on or after 15 March 2026, a Subscriber Certificate with a Validity Period less than or equal to 7 days (604,800 seconds).

Sovereign State: A state or country that administers its own government, and is not dependent upon, or subject to, another power.

Subject: The natural person, device, system, unit, or Legal Entity identified in a Certificate as the Subject. The Subject is either the Subscriber or a device under the control and operation of the Subscriber.

Subject Identity Information: Information that identifies the Certificate Subject. Subject Identity Information does not include a Domain Name listed in the subjectAltName extension or the Subject commonName field.

Subordinate CA: A Certification Authority whose Certificate is signed by the Root CA, or another Subordinate CA.

Subscriber: A natural person or Legal Entity to whom a Certificate is issued and who is legally bound by a Subscriber Agreement.

Subscriber Agreement: An agreement between the CA and the Applicant/Subscriber that specifies the rights and responsibilities of the parties available at

Subsidiary Company: A company that is controlled by a Parent Company.

Technically Constrained Subordinate CA Certificate: A Subordinate CA Certificate which uses a combination of Extended Key Usage and/or Name Constraint extensions, as defined within the relevant Certificate Profiles of the Baseline Requirements to limit the scope within which the Subordinate CA Certificate may issue Subscriber or additional Subordinate CA Certificates.

Terms of Use: Provisions regarding the safekeeping and acceptable uses of a Certificate issued in accordance with these Requirements when the Applicant/Subscriber is an Affiliate of the CA or is the CA.

Test Certificate: This is no longer used in the Baseline Requirements.

Trustworthy System: Computer hardware, software, and procedures that are: reasonably secure from intrusion and misuse; provide a reasonable level of availability, reliability, and correct operation; are reasonably suited to performing their intended functions; and enforce the applicable security policy.

Unregistered Domain Name: A Domain Name that is not a Registered Domain Name.

Valid Certificate: A Certificate that passes the validation procedure specified in RFC 5280.

Validation Specialist: Someone who performs the information verification duties specified by these Requirements.

Validity Period: From RFC 5280: “The period of time from notBefore through notAfter, inclusive.”

WHOIS: Information retrieved directly from the Domain Name Registrar or registry operator via the protocol defined in RFC 3912, the Registry Data Access Protocol defined in RFC 7482, or an HTTPS website.

Wildcard Certificate: A Certificate containing at least one Wildcard Domain Name in the Subject Alternative Names contained in the Certificate.

Wildcard Domain Name: A string starting with “*.” (U+002A ASTERISK, U+002E FULL STOP) immediately followed by a Fully-Qualified Domain Name.

XN-Label: From RFC 5890 (RFC 5890): “The class of labels that begin with the prefix ‘xn–’ (case independent), but otherwise conform to the rules for LDH labels."




TunTrust makes the following available on its public repository at

For further details regarding the publication of information refer to section 2.2.
TunTrust ensures that revocation data for issued Certificates and its Root Certificates are available in accordance with the CP/CPS.


TunTrust conforms to the current version of the Baseline Requirements for the Issuance and Management of Publicly-Trusted TLS Server Certificates published at In the event of any inconsistency between this document and those Requirements, those Requirements take precedence over this document.

TunTrust publishes information mentioned in section 2.1 on its publicly accessible website that is available on a 24x7 basis.

In addition, TunTrust publishes test Web pages that allow Application Software Suppliers to test their software with Subscriber Certificates that chain up to each publicly trusted Root Certificate. These test Web pages are accessible at the following URLs:

Prior to issuing SSL Certificates, TunTrust checks for CAA records for each dNSName in the subjectAltName extension of the Certificate to be issued as specified in RFC 8659 as per Section 4.2.4. TunTrust’s CAA issuer domain is "".


TunTrust reviews its CP/CPS at least annually and makes appropriate changes so that TunTrust CA operation remains accurate, transparent and complies with requirements listed in Section 8 of this document. TunTrust CA closely monitors CA/Browser Forum ballots and updates to the Baseline Requirements and implements updates to TunTrust operations in a timely manner.

The Revision Table in Section 1.2 indicates reviews and updates made to this CP/CPS by adding a dated changelog entry and incrementing the CP/CPS version number, even if no other changes are made to the document.

New or modified versions of this CP/CPS, Subscriber Agreements, or Relying Party agreements are published within seven days after approval.

Publication frequency of CRLs and frequency of updating OCSP records are specified in Sections 4.9.7 and 4.9.9.


Read-only access to the repository is unrestricted. Logical and physical controls prevent unauthorized write access to repositories.




The Subscriber is described in the Certificate by a Distinguished Name pursuant to the X.501 standard.


Any Fully-Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) which is embedded into a Certificate either as a DN component, or as a dnsName subjectAltName must conform to the standard semantics for DNS names described in RFC 1034. All DNS names embedded into an OV SSL Certificate issued by TunTrust are restricted by the “.tn” top-level domain for Tunisia and owned by entities operating under the Tunisian Jurisdiction.

Organizational names must be validated to be syntactically identical to an entry in the Tunisian National Registry of Enterprises (Registre National des Entreprises) as was used to validate the certificate request.

If the combination of names or the organization name by itself exceeds 64 characters, TunTrust abbreviates parts of the organization name, and/or omits non-material words in the organization name in such a way that the text in this field does not exceed the 64-character limit; provided that TunTrust checks this field in accordance with section and a Relying Party will not be misled into thinking that they are dealing with a different organization.


TunTrust does not issue anonymous or pseudonymous Certificates.


Fields contained in OV SSL Certificates are in compliance with this CP/CPS. In general, the rules for interpreting name forms can be found in International Telecommunication (ITU) and Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) Standards, such as the ITU-T X.500 series of standards and applicable IETF RFCs.


The full combination of the Subject Attributes (DN) is unique within the boundaries defined by this CP/CPS and conforms to all applicable X.500 standards for the uniqueness of names. The SerialNumber attribute guarantees the uniqueness of the DN in the Certificate.


TunTrust will issue certificates including trademarks only if the trademark is registered in the Tunisian National Register of Enterprises (Registre National des Entreprises). TunTrust will not issue certificates with trademarks that are not documented in the National Register of Enterprises.


TunTrust performs identification of the Applicant using any legal means of communication or investigation necessary to identify the Legal Entity and individual.


The Applicant provides a digitally signed PKCS#10 CSR to establish that it holds the private key corresponding to the public key to be included in an OV SSL Certificate. TunTrust parses the PKCS#10 CSR submitted by the Applicant and verifies that the Applicant’s digital signature on the PKCS#10 was created by the private key corresponding to the public key in the PKCS#10 CSR.


TunTrust issues OV SSL Certificates for public and private organizations under the Tunisian Jurisdiction and having a domain name under the “.tn” top-level domain.

TunTrust verifies the identity of the Applicant, and the authenticity of the Applicant Representative’s certificate request using a verification process meeting the requirements of Section TunTrust inspects any document relied upon for alteration or falsification. IDENTITY

TunTrust verifies the existence and identity of the organization using the following methods:

Alternatively, TunTrust may verify the address, the phone number or email address of the Applicant (but not the identity of the Applicant) using a utility bill, bank statement, credit card statement, Tunisia Yellow Pages or other form of identification that the CA determines to be reliable.

In order to validate the relationship of a physical person requesting an OV SSL certificate with the organization, the following information is required: DBA/TRADENAME

If the Subject Identity Information is to include a DBA or tradename, TunTrust verifies the Applicant’s right to use the DBA/tradename using at least one of the following: VERIFICATION OF COUNTRY

TunTrust verifies that the organization is under the Tunisian jurisdiction. The country field is always set to Tunisia ISO format country code “TN”. TunTrust does not issue SSL certificates to organizations that are not under the Tunisian Jurisdiction. VALIDATION OF DOMAIN AUTHORIZATION OR CONTROL

TunTrust confirms that prior to issuance, TunTrust has validated each Fully-Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) listed in the Certificate using at least one of the methods listed below. TunTrust does not issue certificates with a FQDN that contain “onion” as the rightmost Domain Label.
TunTrust maintains a record of which domain validation method, including relevant Baseline Requirements version number that was used to validate every domain. VALIDATING THE APPLICANT AS A DOMAIN CONTACT

TunTrust does not use this method. EMAIL, FAX, SMS, OR POSTAL MAIL TO DOMAIN CONTACT

Effective this version of the CP/CPS, TunTrust will not use this method. PHONE CONTACT WITH DOMAIN CONTACT

TunTrust does not use this method. CONSTRUCTED EMAIL TO DOMAIN CONTACT

TunTrust confirms the Applicant’s control over the FQDN or Wildcard Domain names by:

  1. sending an email to one or more addresses created by using ‘admin’, ‘administrator’, 'webmaster’, ’hostmaster’, or ‘postmaster’ as the local part, followed by the at-sign (“@”), followed by an Authorization Domain Name,
  2. including a Random Value in the email, and
  3. receiving a confirming response utilizing the Random Value.

This email provides a confirmation link with a Random Value that the Applicant must follow to confirm control over the domain name. Each email may confirm control of multiple FQDNs, provided the Authorization Domain Name used in the email is an Authorization Domain Name for each FQDN being confirmed.

The email with no content and no recipient modification may be re-sent in its entirety, including the re-use of the Random Value. The Random Value remains valid for use in a confirming response for no more than 30 days from its creation.

Once the FQDN has been validated using this method, TunTrust may also issue Certificates for other FQDNs that end with all the Domain Labels of the validated FQDN. This method is suitable for validating Wildcard Domain Names. DOMAIN AUTHORIZATION DOCUMENT

TunTrust does not use this method. AGREED-UPON CHANGE TO WEBSITE

TunTrust does not use this method. DNS CHANGE

TunTrust confirms the Applicant’s control over the FQDN by confirming the presence of a Random Value or Request Token for either in a DNS CNAME, TXT or CAA record for either 1) an Authorization Domain Name; or 2) an Authorization Domain Name that is prefixed with a Domain Label that begins with an underscore character.
If a Random Value is used, TunTrust provides a Random Value unique to the Certificate request and does not use the Random Value after:
i. 30 days or
ii. if the Applicant submitted the Certificate request, the time frame permitted for reuse of validated information relevant to the Certificate (such as in Section 4.2.1 of the Baseline Requirements).

Note: Once the FQDN has been validated using this method, TunTrust may also issue Certificates for other FQDNs that end with all the Domain Labels of the validated FQDN. This method is suitable for validating Wildcard Domain Names. IP ADDRESS

TunTrust does not use this method. TEST CERTIFICATE

TunTrust does not use this method. TLS USING A RANDOM VALUE

TunTrust does not use this method. ANY OTHER METHOD

TunTrust does not use any other method. VALIDATING APPLICANT AS A DOMAIN CONTACT

TunTrust does not use this method. EMAIL TO DNS CAA CONTACT

TunTrust may confirm the Applicant’s control over the FQDN by sending a Random Value via email to a DNS CAA Email Contact. This email provides a confirmation link with a Random Value that the Applicant must follow to confirm control over the Domain Name.
In this case, the relevant CAA Resource Record Set is found using the search algorithm defined in RFC 8659 Section 3.
Each email may confirm control of multiple FQDNs, provided that each email address is a DNS CAA Email Contact for each Authorization Domain Name being validated. The same email may be sent to multiple recipients as long as all recipients are DNS CAA Email Contacts for each Authorization Domain Name being validated.
The Random Value is unique in each email. TunTrust may re-send the email in its entirety, including the reuse of the Random Value, provided that its entire contents and recipient(s) remain unchanged. The Random Value remains valid for use in a confirming response for no more than 30 days from its creation.

Once the FQDN has been validated using this method, the CA MAY also issue Certificates for other FQDNs that end with all the Domain Labels of the validated FQDN. This method is suitable for validating Wildcard Domain Names. EMAIL TO DNS TXT CONTACT

TunTrust may confirm the Applicant’s control over the FQDN by sending a Random Value via email. This email provides a confirmation link with a Random Value that the Applicant must follow to confirm control over the domain name.
In this case, the Random Value is sent to a DNS TXT Record Email Contact for the Authorization Domain Name selected to validate the FQDN.
Each email may confirm control of multiple FQDNs, provided that each email address is a DNS TXT Record Email Contact for each Authorization Domain Name being validated. The same email may be sent to multiple recipients as long as all recipients are DNS TXT Record Email Contacts for each Authorization Domain Name being validated.
The Random Value is unique in each email. TunTrust may re-send the email in its entirety, including the reuse of the Random Value, provided that its entire contents and recipient(s) remain unchanged. The Random Value remains valid for use in a confirming response for no more than 30 days from its creation.

Once the FQDN has been validated using this method, the CA MAY also issue Certificates for other FQDNs that end with all the Domain Labels of the validated FQDN. This method is suitable for validating Wildcard Domain Names. PHONE CONTACT WITH DOMAIN CONTACT



TunTrust does not use this method. AGREED-UPON CHANGE TO WEBSITE V2

TunTrust does not use this method. AGREED-UPON CHANGE TO WEBSITE - ACME

Confirming the Applicant’s control over a FQDN by validating domain control of the FQDN using the ACME HTTP Challenge method defined in Section 8.3 of RFC 8555. The following are additive requirements to RFC 8555. TunTrust MUST receive a successful HTTP response from the request (meaning a 2xx HTTP status code must be received). The token (as defined in RFC 8555, Section 8.3) MUST NOT be used for more than 30 days from its creation.

If TunTrust follows redirects, the following apply:

Note: TunTrust does not issue Certificates for other FQDNs that end with all the labels of the validated FQDN unless TunTrust performs a separate validation for that FQDN using an authorized method. This method is NOT suitable for validating Wildcard Domain Names. TLS USING ALPN

TunTrust does not use this method. AUTHENTICATION FOR AN IP ADDRESS

TunTrust does not issue certificates with IP addresses. WILDCARD DOMAIN VALIDATION

If a Wildcard Domain Name is to be included in a Certificate, then TunTrust issuing CAs remove " *. " from the left-most portion of the Wildcard Domain Name to yield the corresponding FQDN. TunTrust issuing CAs may prune zero or more Domain Labels of the FQDN from left to right until encountering a Base Domain Name and may use any one of the values that were yielded by pruning (including the Base Domain Name itself) for the purpose of domain validation.
Before issuing a Wildcard Certificate, TunTrust issuing CAs follow an internal documented procedure that determines if the FQDN portion of any Wildcard Domain Name in the Certificate is “registry‐controlled” or is a “public suffix” under the “.tn” domain.
If the FQDN portion of any Wildcard Domain Name is “registry‐controlled” or is a “public suffix”, the TunTrust issuing CAs refuse issuance unless the Applicant proves its rightful control of the entire Domain Namespace. DATA SOURCE ACCURACY

TunTrust uses Tunisian governmental entities as data sources and third party databases sourced from Tunisian governmental entities and regularly updated such that TunTrust considers it a reliable data source.
Before relying on any data provided, TunTrust will verify the following attributes: CAA RECORDS

As part of the Certificate issuance process, TunTrust retrieves and processes CAA records in accordance with RFC 8659 for each dNSName in the subjectAltName extension that does not contain an Onion Domain Name. If TunTrust issues a Certificate after processing a CAA record, it does so within the TTL of the CAA record, or 8 hours, whichever is greater.

TunTrust MAY check CAA records at any other time.
When processing CAA records, TunTrust processes the issue , issuewild , and iodef property tags as specified in RFC 8659, although they are not required to act on the contents of the iodef property tag. Additional property tags MAY be supported, but MUST NOT conflict with or supersede the mandatory property tags set out in this document. TunTrust respects the critical flag and will not issue a certificate if it encounters an unrecognized property tag with this flag set.
RFC 8659 requires that CAs “MUST NOT issue a certificate unless the CA determines that either (1) the certificate request is consistent with the applicable CAA RRset or (2) an exception specified in the relevant CP or CPS applies.”
For issuances conforming to the Baseline Requirements, TunTrust does not rely on any exceptions specified in this CP or CPS unless they are one of the following:

TunTrust is permitted to treat a record lookup failure as permission to issue if:

TunTrust documents potential issuances that were prevented by a CAA record in sufficient detail to provide feedback to the CA/Browser Forum on the circumstances and endeavors to dispatch reports of such issuance requests to the contact(s) stipulated in the CAA iodef record(s), if present. TunTrust is not expected to support URL schemes in the iodef record other than mailto: or https: . VERIFICATION AGAINST THE DENIED LIST

TunTrust CA maintains an internal database of all previously revoked SSL Certificates and previously rejected Certificate requests due to suspected phishing or other fraudulent usage or concerns. TunTrust uses this information to identify subsequent suspicious certificate requests.
If a new request for a previously denied SSL Certificate is made, the application will be flagged and brought to the attention of management to complete further internal verification and final decision. VERIFICATION AGAINST HIGH RISK CERTIFICATE REQUEST

TunTrust develops, maintains, and implements documented procedures that identify and require additional verification activity for High Risk Certificate Requests prior to the Certificate’s approval, as reasonably necessary to ensure that such requests are properly verified by doing the following:


TunTrust does not issue OV SSL certificates to natural persons. However, as part of the certificate application process, TunTrust will verify the identity of the Certificate Manager and the legal representative of the organization as detailed in Section
The Certificate Manager is either the Legal Representative of the entity or a natural person formally designated by the Legal Representative. The designation of a Certificate Manager is performed simultaneously with the submission of the OV SSL Certificate Application Form.
As mentioned in Section 4.1.2, the Certificate Application Form is signed by:
(i) the Legal Representative to mandate the future Certificate Manager and
(ii) the future Certificate Manager to accept this role and the Subscriber Agreement.


Unverified information is never included in TunTrust end-entity Certificates. All Subscriber information included in Certificates is duly verified.


This step is performed simultaneously with the validation of the identity of the Legal Representative and of the Certificate Manager. As mentioned in Section 3.2.3, the certificate application form is signed by the legal representative of the entity and the certificate manager, and each of them must provide a copy of his or her ID.
Signatures of the Legal Representative and Certificate Manager must be legally valid and contain an enforceable seal or handwritten signature or be a legally valid and enforceable electronic signature.
In addition, TunTrust uses a Reliable Method of Communication derived from the verification process described in section to establish the authenticity of the certificate request directly with the Applicant Legal Representative or with an authoritative source within the Applicant’s organization, such as the Applicant’s main business offices, corporate offices, human resource offices, information technology offices, or other department that TunTrust deems appropriate.


TunTrust does not have any Cross-Certified Subordinate CA Certificates with other CAs.



Not Applicable. TunTrust does not support rekey.


Not Applicable. TunTrust does not support rekey.


Revocation requests are authenticated to ensure they emanate from authorized persons. The process for submitting a revocation request is described in Section 4.9.3.
TunTrust may also perform revocation on behalf of Subscribers in accordance with the requirements of the applicable Subscriber Agreement. Examples of reasons for revocation include a breach of the Subscriber Agreement or non-payment of applicable fees.




OV SSL certificate applications can only be submitted by Applicants under Tunisian Jurisdiction. Applicants must comply with provisions set within the registration forms and processes, this CP/CPS, and the Subscriber Agreement.
TunTrust maintains an internal database of all previously revoked Certificates and previously rejected certificate requests due to suspected phishing or other fraudulent usage or concerns. TunTrust uses this information to identify individuals from whom and entities from which it will not accept Certificate applications.
In addition, other external sources such as government-denied lists or internationally recognized denied persons lists applicable to the jurisdictions in which TunTrust operates are used to screen out unwanted Applicants.


TunTrust makes available to Applicants all required Application forms as well as all applicable Subscriber Agreements:
(i) on its public repository at,
(ii) by email to,
(iii) and within its headquarters (see Section 1.5.2).

Prior to the issuance of a Certificate, TunTrust obtains a duly filled and signed Application Form that consists of five parts as described hereafter:

The Applicant commits to providing a current, genuine, and complete certificate request and all evidence requested by TunTrust.
The paper Application, with the Applicant’s wet seal and handwritten signatures of the Applicant’s legal representative and the Certificate Manager, must be physically submitted to a TunTrust RA.

Applicant may submit electronic Application Form with the digital signature of the Applicant Legal Representative and the Certificate Manager. The digital signatures of Legal Representative and Certificate Manager must be compliant to the Tunisian Law related to digital signature.
The Applicant generates the key pair by itself and creates a Certificate Signing Request (CSR) as to prove that the private key belongs to itself and sends this to TunTrust RA from email address used to verify domain control or provides it to TunTrust RA operator on a hardware device (CD, USB Token). The Applicant is responsible for taking all required measures for protecting confidentiality and integrity of its private key.
TunTrust’s responsibility is to verify and to validate the information supplied. This will be done in compliance with the practices stated in this CP/CPS and by strictly following the TunTrust registration procedures and the applicable national laws.
TunTrust guarantees that all required verifications have been performed prior to successful registration leading to Certificate issuance and that all certificate requests submitted to the Issuing CAs are complete, accurate, valid and duly authorized. It also guarantees the accuracy of all information contained in the Certificate.



Applications for OV SSL Certificates shall be submitted by the legal representative of the organization who owns the Domain Name.
OV SSL Certificate application includes the following:

The following verification tasks are performed by TunTrust’s RA:

TunTrust does not re-use previous validation information. Each certificate application must go through all validation functions described in section 3.2. End-user Certificate validity is specified in Section 6.3.2.


TunTrust will approve or reject an Applicant’s Certificate request based upon the Applicant meeting the requirements of this CP/CPS and all applicable laws and regulations.
TunTrust rejects any certificate application that TunTrust cannot verify. TunTrust does not issue Certificates for Domain Names that are not under the “.tn” top-level domain. TunTrust does not issue certificates containing Internal Names or Reserved IP Addresses, as such names cannot be validated according to Section or Section
TunTrust, in its sole discretion, may reject a Certificate Application, and may refuse to issue a Certificate, without incurring any liability for loss or damages arising out of such refusal. TunTrust reserves the right not to disclose reasons for such a refusal. Applicants whose applications have been rejected may subsequently re-apply.
TunTrust, at its sole discretion not to be unreasonably withheld, may override any decision to Approve Applicant’s Certificate request.


Under normal circumstances, TunTrust confirms Certificate application information and issues a Certificate within seven working days as established by Tunisian national law.


Prior to issuing SSL Certificates, TunTrust checks for CAA records for each dNSName in the subjectAltName extension of the Certificate to be issued as specified in RFC 8659. TunTrust’s CAA issuer domain is "". The following cases do not allow TunTrust to authorize the issuance of the certificate:

If any of these cases are encountered, the certificate request is automatically blocked and the applicant is notified by email of the need to update the associated DNS records.


TunTrust may not check CAA records for Certificates for which a Certificate Transparency pre‐Certificate was created and logged in at least two public logs, and for which CAA was checked. No other CAA checking exceptions are applied.

TunTrust treats a record lookup failure as permission to issue if:



Upon receipt of an approved Certificate signing request, TunTrust CAs proceeds to the Certificate issuance process.
Certificate issuance by TunTrust CAs requires a Tuntrust RA operator in a Trusted Role authorized by TunTrust to deliberately issue a direct command in order for TunTrust CAs to perform a certificate signing operation. The RA operators accounts capable of causing certificate issuance or performing Registration Authority functions are enforced with multi-factor authentication (certificate in cryptographic token + PIN code). Technical controls are operated by TunTrust in order to restrict certificate issuance through accounts to a limited set of pre-approved email addresses. Each issuance is logged with the identity of the TunTrust RA operator issuing the certificate and the action is logged in the CA audit log.
Databases and CA processes occurring during certificate issuance are protected from unauthorized modification. After issuance is complete, the certificate is stored in a database and sent to the Subscriber. LINTING OF TO-BE-SIGNED CERTIFICATE CONTENT

Due to the complexity involved in implementing Certificate Profiles that conform to the Base Requirements, it is considered best practice for the CA to implement a Linting process to test the technical conformity of each to-be-signed artifact prior to signing it. When a Precertificate has undergone Linting, it is not necessary for the corresponding to-be-signed Certificate to also undergo Linting, provided that the CA has a technical control to verify that the to-be-signed Certificate corresponds to the to-be-signed Precertificate in the manner described by RFC 6962, Section 3.2.

TunTrust CA uses an automated issuance process that integrates pre-issuance linting tools, kept up-to-date, which can check a tbsCertificate (To Be Signed Certificate - the certificate complete except for the signature) for a large number of standards violations (Baseline Requirements, RFCs, etc.). Certificate issuance is held up for manual review if a linting error or warning is found. The linting error is flagged and brought to the attention of management to complete further internal verification and final decision on the certificate issuance.

TunTrust uses the Linting tools that have been widely adopted by the industry (see
TunTrust will contribute, when possible, to open-source Linting projects, such as by: LINTING OF ISSUED CERTIFICATES

TunTrust may use a Linting process to test each issued Certificate.


The Applicant will be notified that the Certificate is issued via the Certificate Manager email address that was supplied by the Subscriber during the enrollment process and will be provided with appropriate instructions on how to obtain the Certificate. If the Certificate is presented to the Subscriber immediately, special notification may not be necessary.



A Subscriber that accepts a Certificate warrants to TunTrust that all information supplied in connection with the application process and all information included in the Certificate issued to them is true, complete, and not misleading.

Without limitation to the generality of the foregoing, the use of a Certificate signifies acceptance by that Subscriber of this CP/CPS and Subscriber Agreement (as the same may, from time to time, be amended or supplemented) by which they irrevocably agree to be bound.

If the subscriber is not satisfied with the details contained within the certificate, he or she must email "" explaining why the certificate is not being accepted. This communication must take place within 30 days of issuance.

Certificates are considered accepted 30 days after the Certificate’s issuance, or earlier upon use of the Certificate when evidence exists that the Subscriber used the Certificate.


Refer to Section 2.1.


Other than Certificate Transparency publication, TunTrust does not notify other entities of certificate issuance.



Subscribers have to protect their Private Key to avoid disclosure to third parties. TunTrust provides a Subscriber Agreement which highlights the obligations of the Subscriber with respect to Private Key protection.

Subscribers are bound to use the Certificate for its lawful and intended purposes only.

At the end of the useful life of a Private Key, Subscribers must securely delete the Private Key and any fragments that it has been split into for the purposes of backup.


Within this CP/CPS, TunTrust provides the conditions under which Certificates may be relied upon by Relying Parties, including the appropriate Certificate services available to verify Certificate validity such as CRL and/or OCSP.

In order to be a Relying Party, a Party seeking to rely on a Certificate issued by TunTrust CA agrees to and accepts the Relying Party Agreement available at by querying the existence or validity of, or by seeking to place or by placing reliance upon, a Certificate.

Relying Parties are obliged to seek further independent assurances before any act of reliance is deemed reasonable and at a minimum must assess:


Certificate renewal means the issuance of a new Certificate without changing the Public Key or any other information in the Certificate. Certificate renewal is not supported by TunTrust.


Not Applicable. Certificate renewal is not supported by TunTrust.


Not Applicable. Certificate renewal is not supported by TunTrust.


Not Applicable. Certificate renewal is not supported by TunTrust.


Not Applicable. Certificate renewal is not supported by TunTrust.


Not Applicable. Certificate renewal is not supported by TunTrust.


Not Applicable. Certificate renewal is not supported by TunTrust.


Not Applicable. Certificate renewal is not supported by TunTrust.


Certificate re-key means the issuance of a new certificate with a new public key, but with the same subject identity information. TunTrust does not support re-key.


Not Applicable. TunTrust does not support re-key.


Not Applicable. TunTrust does not support re-key.


Not Applicable. TunTrust does not support re-key.


Not Applicable. TunTrust does not support re-key.


Not Applicable. TunTrust does not support re-key.


Not Applicable. TunTrust does not support re-key.


Not Applicable. TunTrust does not support re-key.


Certificate modification is the process through which a Subscriber requests a Certificate with modified subject information. TunTrust considers such request as an initial registration request. The requester is therefore required to start a new Certificate request.


Not Applicable. TunTrust does not support Certificate modification.


Not Applicable. TunTrust does not support Certificate modification.


Not Applicable. TunTrust does not support Certificate modification.


Not Applicable. TunTrust does not support Certificate modification.


Not Applicable. TunTrust does not support Certificate modification.


Not Applicable. TunTrust does not support Certificate modification.


Not Applicable. TunTrust does not support Certificate modification.



Certificate revocation is the process by which TunTrust prematurely terminates the Validity of a Certificate. TunTrust will make its certificate revocations public through the use of publicly issued CRLs and publicly available OCSP responder services. REASONS FOR REVOKING A SUBSCRIBER CERTIFICATE

With the exception of Short-lived Subscriber Certificates, TunTrust revokes a Certificate within 24 hours and uses the corresponding CRLReason (see Section 7.2.2) if one or more of the following occurs:

  1. The Subscriber requests in writing, without specifying a CRLreason, that TunTrust revoke the Certificate (CRLReason “unspecified (0)” which results in no reasonCode extension being provided in the CRL);
  2. The Subscriber notifies TunTrust that the original Certificate request was not authorized and does not retroactively grant authorization (CRLReason #9, privilegeWithdrawn);
  3. TunTrust obtains evidence that the Subscriber’s Private Key corresponding to the Public Key in the Certificate suffered a Key Compromise (CRLReason #1, keyCompromise);
  4. TunTrust is made aware of a demonstrated or proven method that can easily compute the Subscriber’s Private Key based on the Public Key in the Certificate, including but not limited to those identified in section (CRLReason #1, keyCompromise);
  5. TunTrust obtains evidence that the validation of domain authorization or control for any Fully-Qualified Domain Name or IP address in the Certificate should not be relied upon (CRLReason #4, superseded).

With the exception of Short-lived Subscriber Certificates, TunTrust revokes a Certificate within 5 days and uses the corresponding CRLReason (see Section 7.2.2) if one or more of the following occurs:

  1. The Certificate no longer complies with the requirements of Sections 6.1.5 and 0 (CRLReason #4, superseded);
  2. TunTrust obtains evidence that the Certificate was misused (CRLReason #9, privilegeWithdrawn);
  3. TunTrust is made aware that a Subscriber has violated one or more of its material obligations under the Subscriber Agreement (CRLReason #9, privilegeWithdrawn);
  4. TunTrust is made aware of any circumstance indicating that use of a Fully-Qualified Domain Name or IP address in the Certificate is no longer legally permitted (e.g. a court or arbitrator has revoked a Domain Name Registrant’s right to use the Domain Name, a relevant licensing or services agreement between the Domain Name Registrant and the Applicant has terminated, or the Domain Name Registrant has failed to renew the Domain Name) (CRLReason #5, cessationOfOperation);
  5. TunTrust is made aware that a Wildcard Certificate has been used to authenticate a fraudulently misleading subordinate Fully-Qualified Domain Name (CRLReason #9, privilegeWithdrawn);
  6. TunTrust is made aware of a material change in the information contained in the Certificate (CRLReason #9, privilegeWithdrawn);
  7. TunTrust is made aware that the Certificate was not issued in accordance with the Baseline Requirements or the present CP/CPS (CRLReason #4, superseded);
  8. TunTrust determines or is made aware that any of the information appearing in the Certificate is inaccurate (CRLReason #9, privilegeWithdrawn);
  9. TunTrust’s right to issue Certificates under these Requirements expires or is revoked or terminated, unless TunTrust has made arrangements to continue maintaining the CRL/OCSP Repository (CRLReason “unspecified (0)” which results in no reasonCode extension being provided in the CRL);
  10. Revocation is required by this CP/CPS for a reason that is not otherwise required to be specified by this section (CRLReason “unspecified (0)” which results in no reasonCode extension being provided in the CRL); or
  11. TunTrust is made aware of a demonstrated or proven method that exposes the Subscriber’s Private Key to compromise or if there is clear evidence that the specific method used to generate the Private Key was flawed (CRLReason #1, keyCompromise). REASONS FOR REVOKING A SUBORDINATE CA CERTIFICATE

TunTrust does not have any third party Subordinate CAs. The only CAs that TunTrust operates are the ones listed in section 1.3.1.

TunTrust Issuing CAs will revoke a Subordinate CA Certificate within seven (7) days if one or more of the following occurs:

  1. The Subordinate CA requests revocation in writing;
  2. The Subordinate CA notifies TunTrust Issuing CA that the original certificate request was not authorized and does not retroactively grant authorization;
  3. TunTrust Issuing CA obtains evidence that the Subordinate CA’s Private Key corresponding to the Public Key in the Certificate suffered a Key Compromise or no longer complies with the requirements of Sections 6.1.5 and 6.1.6;
  4. TunTrust Issuing CA obtains evidence that the Certificate was misused;
  5. TunTrust Issuing CA is made aware that the Certificate was not issued in accordance with or that Subordinate CA has not complied with the CA/B Forum Baseline Requirements or the applicable CP/CPS;
  6. TunTrust Issuing CA determines that any of the information appearing in the Certificate is inaccurate or misleading;
  7. TunTrust Issuing CA or Subordinate CA ceases operations for any reason and has not made arrangements for another CA to provide revocation support for the Certificate;
  8. TunTrust Issuing CA’s or Subordinate CA’s right to issue Certificates under the CA/B Forum Baseline Requirements expires or is revoked or terminated, unless TunTrust Issuing CA has made arrangements to continue maintaining the CRL/OCSP Repository; or
  9. Revocation is required by TunTrust Issuing CA’s Certificate Policy and/or Certification Practice Statement.


TunTrust accepts authenticated requests for revocation. Authorization for revocation shall be accepted if the revocation request is received from either the Subscriber or its appropriately authorized Certificate Manager.

Subscribers, Relying Parties, Application Software Suppliers, and other third parties may submit Certificate Problem Reports to notify TunTrust of a suspected reasonable cause to revoke the Certificate. Problem Reports shall be submitted to the Contact Person specified in Section 1.5.2. TunTrust may also at its own discretion revoke Certificates.


A revocation request should be promptly and directly communicated to TunTrust. A revocation request may be submitted using one of the following methods:

For Certificate Problem Reports submitted by third parties to the Contact Person specified in Section 1.5.2, TunTrust personnel begins investigating the request within 24 hours after receipt and decides whether revocation is appropriate based on the following criteria:


No grace period is permitted once a revocation request has been verified. TunTrust will revoke Certificates according to sections 4.9.1.


Within 24 hours after receiving a Certificate Problem Report, TunTrust will investigate the facts and circumstances related to the Certificate Problem Report and provide a preliminary report on its findings to both the Subscriber and the entity who filed the Certificate Problem Report.
After reviewing the facts and circumstances, TunTrust will work with the Subscriber and any entity reporting the Certificate Problem Report or other revocation-related notice to establish whether or not the certificate will be revoked, and if so, a date which TunTrust will revoke the certificate. The period from receipt of the Certificate Problem Report or revocation-related notice to published revocation does not exceed the time frame set forth in Section


Relying parties must validate every Certificate against the most updated CRL as minimum. Alternatively, relying parties may check Certificate status using OCSP.


CRLs are available via a publicly-accessible HTTP URL (i.e., “published”) as stated in Appendix A and B.
Within twenty-four (24) hours of issuing its first Certificate, TunTrust generates and publishes a full and complete CRL.
TunTrust CAs issuing Subscriber Certificates:

  1. update and publish a new CRL at least every:
  1. update and publish a new CRL within twenty-four (24) hours after recording a Certificate as revoked.
    TunTrust CAs issuing CA Certificates:
  2. update and publish a new CRL at least every twelve (12) months;
  3. update and publish a new CRL within twenty-four (24) hours after recording a Certificate as revoked.

TunTrust continues issuing CRLs until one of the following is true:

4.9.8 Maximum Latency for CRLs

The CRLs of TunTrust CA are issued according to section 4.9.7 and published in a timely manner. The revocation becomes effective immediately upon its publication.

4.9.9 On-line Revocation/Status Checking Availability

The validity interval of an OCSP response is the difference in time between the thisUpdate and nextUpdate field, inclusive. For purposes of computing differences, a difference of 3,600 seconds shall be equal to one hour, and a difference of 86,400 seconds shall be equal to one day, ignoring leap-seconds.

A certificate serial is “assigned” if:

A certificate serial is “unassigned” if it is not “assigned.”

The following applies for communicating the status of Certificates and Precertificates which include an Authority Information Access extension with an id-ad-ocsp accessMethod:

The following applies for communicating the status of all Certificates for which an OCSP responder is willing or required to respond:

If the OCSP Responder receives a request for the status of a Certificate serial number that is “unassigned,” then the responder does not respond with a “good” status.

4.9.10 On-line Revocation Checking Requirements

TunTrust supports OCSP responses in addition to CRLs. Relying Parties must confirm revocation information; otherwise, all warranties become void.

4.9.11 Other Forms of Revocation Advertisements Available

TunTrust does not employ any method other than OCSP and CRL for advertising revocation status.

4.9.12 Special Requirements Related to Key Compromise

Should a Private Key become compromised, the related Certificate shall immediately be revoked. Should the private CA key become compromised, all Certificates issued by that CA shall be revoked.

In order to demonstrate Key Compromise, Parties must submit Certificate problem reports to TunTrust (refer to section 1.5.2) that include one of the following methods:

4.9.13 Circumstances for Suspension

No suspension of Certificates is performed by TunTrust.

4.9.14 Who Can Request Suspension

No suspension of Certificates is performed by TunTrust.

4.9.15 Procedure for Suspension Request

No suspension of Certificates is performed by TunTrust.

4.9.16 Limits on Suspension Period

No suspension of Certificates is performed by TunTrust.

4.10 Certificate Status Services

4.10.1 Operational Characteristics

TunTrust provides a Certificate status service either in the form of a CRL distribution point or an OCSP responder or both in the Certificates. TunTrust does not remove revocation entries on CRL or OCSP until after the Expiry Date of the revoked Certificate.

4.10.2 Service Availability

TunTrust operates and maintains its CRL and OCSP capability with resources sufficient to provide a response time of five seconds or less under normal operating conditions.
TunTrust maintains an online 24x7 Repository that application software can use to automatically check the current status of all unexpired Certificates issued by TunTrust.
TunTrust maintains a continuous 24x7 ability to respond internally to a high-priority Certificate Problem Report, and where appropriate, forward such a complaint to law enforcement authorities, and/or revoke a Certificate that is the subject of such a complaint.

4.10.3 Optional Features

The OCSP Responder is available for all types of certificates issued by TunTrust.

4.11 End of Subscription

Subscribers may end their subscription to Certificate services by having their Certificate revoked or naturally letting it expire.

4.12 Key Escrow and Recovery

The private keys for each CA Certificate were generated and are stored in Hardware Security Modules (HSM) and are backed up but not escrowed.

4.12.1 Key Escrow and Recovery Policy and Practices

TunTrust CA key-recovery is based on HSM standard key-backup where the keys in the backup are protected with encryption mechanisms. All HSM backups and administrator smartcards are stored in a safety vault. Only persons performing Trusted Roles have access to the safety vault.
TunTrust does not store copies of Subscriber private keys; Subscriber’s key back-up, escrow, and key recovery are not possible.

4.12.2 Session Key Encapsulation and Recovery Policy and Practices

TunTrust does not provide session key encapsulation and recovery.

5 Facility, Management, and Operational Controls

TunTrust develops, implements, and maintains a comprehensive information security policy designed to:

  1. Protect the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of Certificate Data and Certificate Management Processes;
  2. Protect against anticipated threats or hazards to the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of the Certificate Data and Certificate Management Processes;
  3. Protect against unauthorized or unlawful access, use, disclosure, alteration, or destruction of any Certificate Data or Certificate Management Processes;
  4. Protect against accidental loss or destruction of, or damage to, any Certificate Data or Certificate Management Processes; and
  5. Comply with all other security requirements applicable to TunTrust by law.

The Certificate Management Process includes:

  1. Physical security and environmental controls;
  2. System integrity controls, including configuration management, integrity maintenance of trusted code, and malware detection/prevention;
  3. Network security and firewall management, including port restrictions and IP address filtering;
  4. User management, separate trusted-role assignments, education, awareness, and training; and
  5. Logical access controls, activity logging, and inactivity time-outs to provide individual accountability.

TunTrust performs an annual Risk Assessment that:

  1. Identifies foreseeable internal and external threats that could result in unauthorized access, disclosure, misuse, alteration, or destruction of any Certificate Data or Certificate Management Processes;
  2. Assesses the likelihood and potential damage of these threats, taking into consideration the sensitivity of the Certificate Data and Certificate Management Processes; and
  3. Assesses the sufficiency of the policies, procedures, information systems, technology, and other arrangements that TunTrust has in place to counter such threats.

Based on the Risk Assessment, TunTrust develops, implements, and maintains a security plan consisting of security procedures, measures, and products designed to achieve the objectives set forth above and to manage and control the risks identified during the Risk Assessment, commensurate with the sensitivity of the Certificate Data and Certificate Management Processes. The security plan includes administrative, organizational, technical, and physical safeguards appropriate to the sensitivity of the Certificate Data and Certificate Management Processes.

The security plan also takes into account then-available technology and the cost of implementing the specific measures, and implements a reasonable level of security appropriate to the harm that might result from a breach of security and the nature of the data to be protected.

5.1 Physical Controls

5.1.1 Site Location and Construction

TunTrust CA’s primary and secondary data centers are in Tunis, Tunisia. TunTrust data center exhibits the following features:

5.1.2 Physical Access

Entry to TunTrust Data Centers containing the CA’s certificate manufacturing facility is achieved only through a limited number of access points controlled by security personnel on duty full time (24 hours per day, 365 days per year).
Intruder detection systems including infrared walls are installed and regularly tested to cover all external doors of the data centers housing the CA operational facilities.
All critical CA operations take place within a physically secure facility with at least four layers of security to access sensitive hardware or software. These systems are physically separated from the organization’s other systems, allowing access only to authorized employees of the CA.

The secure parts of TunTrust CA hosting facilities are protected using physical access controls with biometric scanners or card access systems, making them accessible only to appropriately authorized individuals. CA operational facilities are physically locked and alarmed when unoccupied.

All personnel and visitors entering and leaving CA operational facilities are logged. Entry, exit, and activities within CA facilities are under constant video surveillance. Third-party support services personnel are granted restricted access to secure CA operational facilities only when required, and such access is authorized and accompanied. Access rights to CA facilities are regularly reviewed and updated.

5.1 Physical Controls

5.1.3 Power and Air Conditioning

TunTrust CA operates within data centers that have primary and secondary power supplies to ensure continuous, uninterrupted access to electric power. Redundant backup power is provided by battery uninterrupted power supplies (UPS) and one generator.

TunTrust data centers are equipped with heating/ventilation/air conditioning (HVAC) systems to control temperature and relative humidity.

5.1.4 Water Exposures

No data center is in a known flood risk area. All TunTrust CA’s certificate manufacturing facilities have sealed roofs to prevent water exposure. HVAC systems are in place to prevent humidity buildup. All data centers have policies preventing the taking of liquids (e.g., drinks) into the cabinet areas.

5.1.5 Fire Prevention and Protection

TunTrust has taken reasonable precautions to prevent and extinguish fires or other damaging exposure to flame or smoke.
Fire doors exist on security perimeters around CA operational facilities and are alarmed.
TunTrust’s fire prevention and protection measures have been designed to comply with local fire safety regulations.

5.1.6 Media Storage

All media containing production software and data, audit, archive, or backup information are stored within TunTrust facilities with appropriate physical and logical access controls designed to limit access to authorized personnel and Protect such media from accidental damage such as water, fire, and electromagnetic <span style=“color:red”>exposure.</span>

5.1.7 Waste Disposal

Sensitive documents and materials are shredded before disposal. Media used to collect or transmit sensitive information are rendered unreadable before disposal. Cryptographic devices are physically destroyed or zeroized in accordance with the <span style=“color:red”>manufacturers’</span> guidance prior to disposal.

5.1.8 Off-Site Backup

TunTrust maintains copies of CA private keys, archived audit logs, and other sensitive information at secured off-site locations. All copies of private keys are stored in a system or device validated as meeting FIPS 140 Level 3 to ensure that they are only accessible by trusted personnel.

5.2 Procedural Controls

5.2.1 Trusted Roles

TunTrust personnel in Trusted Roles include, but are not limited to, CA and system administration personnel and personnel involved with customer support and vetting. An additional role to TunTrust is the Auditor role, performed by TunTrust’s internal auditors.

The functions and duties performed by persons in Trusted Roles are distributed so that one person alone cannot circumvent security measures or subvert the security and trustworthiness of TunTrust. All personnel appointed to a trusted role had a background check prior to allowing such person to act in a trusted role. A list of personnel appointed to Trusted Roles is maintained and reviewed at least annually.

The following roles are deemed to be Trusted Roles:

Validation Specialist Employees responsible for routine certification services such as customer services, document control, processes relating to Subscriber Certificate registration, generation and revocation. They are also responsible for interacting with Applicants and Subscribers, managing the Certificate request queue and completing the Certificate approval checklist as identity vetting items are successfully completed. A person to whom this role is assigned can be a shareholder of CA private keys activation data.
System Administrator The System Administrator is responsible for the installation and configuration of PKI components (CA, RA, …). This administrator is also responsible for keeping PKI systems updated with software patches and other maintenance needed for system stability and recoverability.A person to whom this role is assigned can be a shareholder of CA private keys activation data.
System Operator The System Operator is responsible for the installation and configuration of the system hardware, including servers and different components of the Front End / Internal Support System. The System Administrator is also responsible for keeping systems updated with software patches and other maintenance needed for system stability and recoverability. A person to whom this role is assigned can be a shareholder of CA private keys activation data.
Application Administrator The Application Administrator is a trusted role. This administrator is responsible for the installation, configuration and operations of the applications related to TunTrust.
Physical and Logical Security Officer The Physical and Logical Security Officer is a trusted role. This role is responsible for the installation and configuration of the physical security platforms (access control, video surveillance, IDS, …) and the logical security platforms (firewalls, WAF, routers, network configuration).
Auditor The Auditor is authorized to view archives and audit logs. The auditor is also responsible for overseeing internal compliance to determine if TunTrust is operating in accordance with this CP/CPS. This includes acting as internal auditor in TunTrust key ceremonies. A person to whom this role is assigned cannot be a shareholder of CA private keys activation data.
Key/Ceremony Manager The Key/Ceremony Manager is responsible of conducting the key ceremonies.
Shareholders Holders of secret shares needed to operate TunTrust CA private keys.

5.2.2 Number of Persons Required Per Task

Handling of CA Private Keys (throughout the entire CA key lifecycle) requires the involvement of at least two trusted persons. Physical and logical access controls exist for the key activation material in order to maintain multi-party and multi-factor control over the Hardware Security Modules containing CA Private Keys.
Shareholders use HSM Smartcard for authentication. The HSM itself enforces dual control based on the HSM smartcards for different functions. The number of needed HSM-smartcards (m) of the total number of produced HSM-smartcards (n) is:

(a) Key generation of Root CA = 3 of 6
(b)Signing key activation of Root CA = 3 of 6
©Private key backup and restore of Root CA = 3 of 6
(d)Key generation of Issuing CA = 2 of 6
(e)Signing key activation of Issuing CA = 2 of 6
(f)Private key backup and restore of Issuing CA = 3 of 6

5.2.3 Identification and Authentication for Each Role

All personnel are required to authenticate themselves before they are allowed access to systems necessary to perform their Trusted Roles.

5.2.4 Roles Requiring Separation of Duties

No person can have more than one of the roles listed in section 5.2.1 at a time.
To accomplish this separation of duties, TunTrust specifically designates individuals to Trusted Roles.
TunTrust’s systems identify and authenticate individuals acting in Trusted Roles, restrict an individual from assuming multiple roles, and prevent any individual from having more than one identity.

5.3 Personnel Controls

5.3.1 Qualifications, Experience, and Clearance Requirements

TunTrust must abide by Tunisian public sector recruitment procedures based on open competition assessing the Qualifications, Experience, Clearance, and Training of the candidates as appropriate to the job function.
Prior to the engagement of any TunTrust employee in the Certificate Management Process, TunTrust verifies the identity and trustworthiness of such person who must be a TunTrust permanent employee. All TunTrust personnel must sign the internal security charter.

Trusted Roles and responsibilities, as specified in Section 5.2.1, are documented in job descriptions. TunTrust personnel have job descriptions defined from the viewpoint of separation of duties and least privilege, determining position sensitivity based on the duties and access levels, background screening, and employee training and awareness.

5.3.2 Background Check Procedures

All TunTrust CA personnel are subject to Tunisian public sector recruitment and selection procedures prior to employment. These procedures undergo background checks, to the extent allowable by law, including, at a minimum:

TunTrust personnel do not have access to the trusted functions until all necessary checks are completed and results analyzed. All persons filling Trusted Roles are selected on the basis of loyalty, trustworthiness, and integrity, and are subject to background checks at least every five years.

5.3.3 Training Requirements

TunTrust provides suitable training to all staff before they take on a Trusted Role should they not already have the complete skill set required for that role. Training of personnel is undertaken via a mentoring process involving senior members of the team to which they are attached.

TunTrust provides all personnel performing information verification duties with skills training that covers basic Public Key Infrastructure knowledge, authentication and vetting policies and procedures (including this CP/CPS), common threats to the information verification process (including phishing and social engineering), and the CA/B Forum requirements.

TunTrust maintains records of such training and ensures that personnel entrusted with Validation Specialist duties maintain a skill level that enables them to perform such duties satisfactorily.
TunTrust documents that each Validation Specialist possesses the skills required by a task before allowing the Validation Specialist to perform that task.
TunTrust requires all Validation Specialists to pass an examination provided by TunTrust on the information verification requirements outlined in this CP/CPS.

5.3.4 Retraining Frequency and Requirements

All personnel in Trusted Roles maintain skill levels consistent with TunTrust’s training and performance programs.
Individuals responsible for Trusted Roles are aware of changes in TunTrust CA or RA operations, as applicable. Any significant change to the operations has a training plan, and the execution of such plan is documented.
TunTrust provides an information security and privacy training at least once a year to all employees.

5.3.5 Job Rotation Frequency and Sequence

Job rotation of employees is done as necessity arises, depending on the needs of TunTrust, or by request of an individual employee.

5.3.6 Sanctions for Unauthorized Actions

All employees of TunTrust are made aware that performing actions outside the rules established by operational regulation, security policy or privacy policy carries the possibility of disciplinary action as per TunTrust internal rules and Tunisian Public sector disciplinary procedures.
Should that violation of company policy encompass potential criminal wrongdoing, TunTrust will report the matter to the appropriate law enforcement bodies for further investigation and action as stated in the Tunisian Public sector disciplinary procedures.

5.3.7 Independent Contractor Requirements

TunTrust does not assign Trusted Roles to external Contractors.
All Contract arrangements between Contractors and TunTrust for the provision of temporary contract personnel allow TunTrust to take measures against contract staff that violate TunTrust security policies.
Protective measures may include (i) bonding requirements on contract personnel; (ii) indemnification for damages due to contract personnel willful harmful actions; and (iii) financial penalties.

5.3.8 Documentation Supplied to Personnel

Personnel are granted access to relevant training documents and governance documents as their intended roles dictate. Other technical, operational, and administrative documents (e.g., administrator manuals, user manuals, etc.) are provided in order for the trusted personnel to perform their duties.

5.4 Audit Logging Procedures

5.4.1 Types of Events Recorded

TunTrust records events related to the security of its Certificate Systems, Certificate Management Systems, Root CA Systems, and Delegated Third Party Systems. TunTrust records events related to their actions taken to process a Certificate request and to issue a Certificate, including all information generated and documentation received in connection with the Certificate request; the time and date; and the personnel involved. TunTrust makes these records available to its Qualified Auditor.

TunTrust records at least the following events:

  1. CA certificate and key lifecycle events, including:

    1. Key generation, backup, storage, recovery, archival, and destruction;
    2. Certificate requests, renewal, and re-key requests, and revocation;
    3. Approval and rejection of certificate requests;
    4. Cryptographic device lifecycle management events;
    5. Generation of Certificate Revocation Lists;
    6. Signing of OCSP Responses (as described in Section 4.9 and Section 4.10); and
    7. Introduction of new Certificate Profiles and retirement of existing Certificate Profiles.
  2. Subscriber Certificate lifecycle management events, including:

    1. Certificate renewal, and re-key requests, and revocation;
    2. All verification activities stipulated in the Baseline Requirements and this CP/CPS;
    3. Approval and rejection of Certificate requests;
    4. Issuance of Certificates;
    5. Generation of Certificate Revocation Lists; and
    6. Signing of OCSP Responses (as described in Section 4.9 and Section 4.10).
  3. Security events, including:

    1. Successful and unsuccessful PKI system access attempts;
    2. PKI and security system actions performed;
    3. Security profile changes;
    4. Installation, update, and removal of software on a Certificate System;
    5. System crashes, hardware failures, and other anomalies;
    6. Relevant router and firewall activities (as described in Section; and
    7. Entries to and exits from the CA facility.

Log records include the following elements:

All TunTrust CA components are regularly synchronized with a reliable time service. TunTrust CA uses a GPS-NTP time source to establish the correct time for accurate recording of automated log events.

Private keys in any form (e.g., plaintext or enciphered) are never recorded in Audit Logs. Router and Firewall Activities Logs

Logging of router and firewall activities necessary to meet the requirements of Section 5.4.1, Subsection 3.6 MUST at a minimum include:

  1. Successful and unsuccessful login attempts to routers and firewalls; and
  2. Logging of all administrative actions performed on routers and firewalls, including configuration changes, firmware updates, and access control modifications; and
  3. Logging of all changes made to firewall rules, including additions, modifications, and deletions; and
  4. Logging of all system events and errors, including hardware failures, software crashes, and system restarts.

5.4.2 Frequency of Processing Log

The logging process allows real-time recording of transactions to identify abnormalities related to failed attempts (access or instruction). In case of manual input, writing is made the same business day as the event. Log events deemed to be security sensitive will automatically generate security incident reports that are handled as defined in section 5.7.

A human review of the logging processes is also performed on application and system logs at least once every 30 days to validate the integrity of logging processes and ensure that monitoring, logging, alerting, and log integrity-verification functions are operating properly.

5.4.3 Retention Period for Audit Log

TunTrust retains for at least 20 years as per Tunisia national law:

  1. CA certificate and key lifecycle management event records (as set forth in Section 5.4.1 (1)) after the later occurrence of:

    1. the destruction of the CA Private Key; or
    2. the revocation or expiration of the final CA Certificate in that set of Certificates that have an X.509v3 basicConstraints extension with the CA field set to true and which share a common Public Key corresponding to the CA Private Key;
  2. Subscriber Certificate lifecycle management event records (as set forth in Section 5.4.1(2)) after the expiration of the Subscriber Certificate;

  3. Any security event records (as set forth in Section 5.4.1 (3)) after the event occurred.

TunTrust makes these audit logs available to its Qualified Auditor upon request.

5.4.4 Protection of Audit Log

Audit logs are stored within TunTrust primary location and in an off-site location. Access and security controls are in place to prevent alteration with the audit log. Production and archived logical audit logs are protected using a combination of physical and logical access controls.

All automated log events are recorded real-time to a secured central logging service in order to prevent log shrinkage or unexpected alteration. Logs stored offsite reside in facilities which have protections at least equivalent to the TunTrust originating systems.

Off-site logs are digitally signed to make tampering of the logs evident. The encryption key used for signing audit logs is not used for any other purpose. Offsite logs are verified periodically to ensure that their integrity has been maintained.

5.4.5 Audit Log Backup Procedures

For CA components that allow the configuration of multiple logging end-points, automated log events are recorded real-time to central logging services located at TunTrust Primary datacenter and at the secondary data center as an off-site location.

For CA components that do not support multiple logging end-points, TunTrust makes backup copies of audit logs on a monthly basis according to internal backup procedures. These copies are kept in a safe protected using physical access controls.

5.4.6 Audit Collection System (Internal vs. External)

Automated audit data is generated and recorded at the application, network and operating system level. All automated audit logs are sent to a central logging service for collation and review. Manually generated audit data is recorded by TunTrust personnel assigned to Trusted Roles.

5.4.7 Notification to Event-Causing Subject

TunTrust is not required to notify a subject that it has been the cause of an auditable event.

5.4.8 Vulnerability Assessments

TunTrust undergoes a vulnerability scan:

  1. Within one (1) week of receiving a request from the CA/Browser Forum,
  2. After any system or network changes that TunTrust determines are significant, and
  3. At least every three (3) months on public and private IP addresses identified as TunTrust’s Certificate Systems.

TunTrust also undergoes a Penetration Test on Certificate Systems on at least an annual basis and after infrastructure or application upgrades that TunTrust determines are significant.

TunTrust records will be maintained in a manner reasonably sufficient to demonstrate that each Vulnerability Scan and Penetration Test was performed by a person or entity with the skills, tools, proficiency, code of ethics, and independence necessary to provide a reliable Vulnerability Scan or Penetration Test.

TunTrust maintains and implements a formal documented vulnerability management process that includes identification, review, response, and remediation of vulnerabilities as described in Section 6.6.

Additionally, TunTrust performs annual risk assessments that:

5.5 Records Archival

5.5.1 Types of Records Archived

TunTrust archives all audit logs (as set forth in Section 5.4.1).

Additionally, TunTrust archives:

  1. Documentation related to the security of its Certificate Systems, Certificate Management Systems, Root CA Systems, and Delegated Third Party Systems;
  2. Documentation related to its verification, issuance, and revocation of certificate requests and Certificates.

TunTrust backs up application, network and system data including:

5.5.2 Retention Period for Archive

Archived audit logs (as set forth in Section 5.5.1) are retained for a period of at least twenty (20) years from their record creation timestamp, or as long as they are required to be retained per Section 5.4.3, whichever is longer.
Additionally, TunTrust retains, for at least twenty (20) years:

  1. All archived documentation related to the security of Certificate Systems, Certificate Management Systems, Root CA Systems, and Delegated Third Party Systems (as set forth in Section 5.5.1); and
  2. All archived documentation relating to the verification, issuance, and revocation of certificate requests and Certificates (as set forth in Section 5.5.1) after the later occurrence of:
    1. Such records and documentation were last relied upon in the verification, issuance, or revocation of certificate requests and Certificates; or
    2. The expiration of the Subscriber Certificates relying upon such records and documentation.

5.5.3 Protection of Archive

Physical and logical access controls are in place to prevent unauthorized access to archived data in electronic form. Archives are retained and protected against modification or destruction. Only specific TunTrust Trusted Roles and auditors may view the archives in whole. The contents of the archives will not be released as a whole, except as required by law.

5.5.4 Archive Backup Procedures

TunTrust maintains and implements backup procedures so that in the event of the loss or destruction of the primary archives, a complete set of backup copies is readily available.

5.5.5 Requirements for Time-Stamping of Records

TunTrust ensures that the precise time of archiving all events, records, and documents listed in Section 5.4 and 5.5 is recorded. This is accomplished through accurate NTP synchronization of all systems with the TunTrust NTP server. Records in paper format have a manually entered date and time.

5.5.6 Archive Collection System (Internal or External)

Archive information is collected internally by TunTrust.

5.5.7 Procedures to Obtain and Verify Archive Information

TunTrust will not divulge archive information to any external party except as follows:

5.6 Key Changeover

Key changeover procedures enable the smooth transition from expiring CA Certificates to new CA Certificates. Towards the end of the CA Private Key’s lifetime, TunTrust ceases using its expiring CA Private Key to sign Certificates (two years prior to its expiration) and uses the old Private Key only to sign CRLs until the expiry of the last certificate issued under it.
A new CA signing key pair is commissioned and all subsequently issued Certificates and CRLs are signed with the new private signing key. Both the old and the new Key Pairs may be concurrently active. This key changeover process helps minimize any adverse effects from CA Certificate expiration. The corresponding new CA public key Certificate is provided to Subscribers and relying parties through the delivery methods detailed in Section 6.1.4.

5.7 Compromise and Disaster Recovery

5.7.1 Incident and Compromise Handling Procedures

TunTrust has an Incident Response Procedure and a Disaster Recovery Plan. TunTrust documents a business continuity procedure and disaster recovery plan designed to notify and reasonably protect Application Software Suppliers, Subscribers, and Relying Parties in the event of a disaster, security compromise, or business failure.
TunTrust does not disclose business continuity plans to Subscribers, Relying Parties, or to Application Software Suppliers, but will provide business continuity procedure and the risk treatment plan to the TunTrust auditors upon request.
TunTrust annually tests, reviews, and updates these procedures. The business continuity procedure includes:

  1. The conditions for activating the plan,
  2. Emergency procedures,
  3. Fallback procedures,
  4. Resumption procedures,
  5. A maintenance schedule for the plan;
  6. Awareness and education requirements;
  7. The responsibilities of the individuals;
  8. Recovery time objective (RTO);
  9. Regular testing of contingency plans;
  10. TunTrust’s plan to maintain or restore the CA’s business operations in a timely manner following interruption to or failure of critical business processes ;
  11. A requirement to store critical cryptographic materials (i.e., secure cryptographic device and activation materials) at an alternate location;
  12. What constitutes an acceptable system outage and recovery time ;
  13. How frequently backup copies of essential business information and software are taken;
  14. The distance of recovery facilities to TunTrust main site; and
  15. Procedures for securing its facility to the extent possible during the period of time following a disaster and prior to restoring a secure environment either at the original or a remote site.

When TunTrust CA fails to comply with any requirement of this CP/CPS - whether it be a misissuance, a procedural or operational issue, or any other variety of non-compliance - the event is classified as an incident. At a minimum, TunTrust will promptly report all incidents to Mozilla in the form of an Incident Report, and will regularly update the Incident Report until the corresponding bug is marked as resolved in the Bugzilla system by a Mozilla representative. TunTrust CA will cease issuance until the problem has been prevented from reoccurring.

5.7.2 Computing Resources, Software, and/or Data Are Corrupted

TunTrust CA hosts including Issuing Systems, Certificate Management Systems, Security Support Systems, and Front-End / Internal-Support Systems are built and maintained by a consistent configuration management process. Configuration changes to these systems are automatically captured and sent to a central monitoring service to determine whether any changes violated the CA’s security policies.

If TunTrust determines that such systems have been compromised, TunTrust will investigate the extent of the compromise and the risk presented to affected parties. Depending on the extent of the compromise and after ensuring the integrity of the CA systems, TunTrust will re-initiate its operations on replacement hardware located at the off-site facility, using back-up copies of its software, data, and Private Keys. TunTrust reserves the right to revoke affected Certificates and to provide new public keys to users.

5.7.3 Entity Private Key Compromise Procedures

In the event that a TunTrust CA private key has been or is suspected to have been compromised, TunTrust personnel will immediately convene an emergency Incident Response Team to assess the situation and to determine the degree and scope of the incident and take appropriate action. The following actions outline as follows:

A new CA Key Pair should be generated and a new CA Certificate should be signed in accordance with the procedures outlined in Section 6 (Technical Security Controls) of this CP/CPS.
TunTrust will also notify Mozilla and other root stores in the event of a key compromise.


In the event that a TunTrust CA private key has been or is suspected to have been compromised, TunTrust personnel will immediately convene an emergency Incident Response Team to assess the situation and to determine the degree and scope of the incident and take appropriate action. The following actions outline as follows:


TunTrust Disaster Recovery Plan is tested, verified and updated at least annually to be operational in the event of a disaster.
TunTrust systems are redundantly configured at its primary facility and are mirrored at a separate geographically location for failover in the event of a disaster. TunTrust keeps activation data of the HSM of the disaster recovery site at a second separate geographically location.

If a disaster causes TunTrust PKI operations to become inoperative at the primary site, TunTrust will re-initiate its operations at its disaster recovery site, following the Disaster Recovery Plan and Business Continuity Procedure in order to recover TunTrust CA operations, giving priority to the ability to generate Certificate status information and thereafter certificate revocation and issuance.


In miss-issuance cases, TunTrust will immediately cease issuance from the affected part of TunTrust PKI until the source of the problem has been diagnosed and identified.
Once the problem is diagnosed, TunTrust will put in place at minimum temporary or manual procedures to prevent the problem from re-occurring until a fully automated fix is applied in a reasonable amount of time. TunTrust will restart Certificate issuance after approval of the TunTrust Certificate Policy Authority.
As per Section, TunTrust will scan corpus of issued certificates and revoke all certificates found with the same issue.
TunTrust will report the miss-issuance incident to its auditor and to the browser root certificate programs of which TunTrust is a member at the earliest possible date post-incident. The incident report should cover at least the following topics:


In case of termination of CA operations for any reason whatsoever, TunTrust will take the following steps prior to the termination:




For the Root CA Key Pairs, TunTrust performs the following controls:

  1. prepares and follows a Key Generation Script,
  2. has a Qualified Auditor witness the CA Key Pair generation process or records a video of the entire CA Key Pair generation process, and
  3. has a Qualified Auditor issue a report opining that the CA followed its key ceremony during its Key and Certificate generation process and the controls used to ensure the integrity and confidentiality of the Key Pair.
    In all cases, TunTrust performs the following controls:
  4. generates the CA key Pair in a physically secured environment as described in section 5.1 of this CP/CPS;
  5. generates the CA Key Pair using personnel in Trusted Roles under the principles of multiple person control and split knowledge as disclosed in section 6.2.1 of this CP/CPS;
  6. generates the CA Key Pair within cryptographic modules meeting the applicable technical and business requirements as disclosed in section 6.2.2 of this CP/CPS;
  7. logs its CA Key Pair generation activities and logs all physical access during the key ceremony as disclosed in section 5.4 ; and
  8. maintains effective controls to provide reasonable assurance that the Private Key was generated and protected in conformance with the procedures described in Section 6.2 of this CP/CPS and its Key Generation Script. RA KEY PAIR GENERATION

No key pair generation is made for TunTrust RA. SUBSCRIBER KEY PAIR GENERATION

TunTrust does not generate a Key Pair on behalf of a Subscriber and does not accept a certificate request using a Key Pair previously generated by TunTrust.
TunTrust rejects a Certificate request if one or more of the following conditions are met:

  1. The Key Pair does not meet the requirements set forth in Sections 6.1.5 and/or 6.1.6
  2. There is clear evidence that the specific method used to generate the Private Key was flawed;
  3. TunTrust is aware of a demonstrated or proven method that exposes the Applicant’s Private Key to compromise;
  4. TunTrust has previously been notified that the Applicant’s Private Key has suffered a Key Compromise using TunTrust’s procedure for revocation request as described in Section 4.9.3 and Section 4.9.12;
  5. The Public Key corresponds to an industry-demonstrated weak Private Key. For requests submitted on or after November 15, 2024, at least the following precautions are to be implemented:
    1. In the case of Debian weak keys vulnerability (, TunTrust rejects all keys found at for each key type (e.g. RSA, ECDSA) and size listed in the repository. For all other keys meeting the requirements of 6.1.5, with the exception of RSA key sizes greater than 8192 bits, TunTrust rejects Debian weak keys. see).
    2. In the case of ROCA vulnerability, TunTrust rejects keys identified by the tools available at or equivalent.
    3. In the case of Close Primes vulnerability (, TunTrust rejects weak keys which can be factored within 100 rounds using Fermat’s factorization method.
      Suggested tools for checking for weak keys can be found here:


Applicants are solely responsible for the generation of the private keys used in their Certificate Requests. TunTrust does not provide SSL key generation, escrow, recovery or backup operations.
If TunTrust becomes aware that a Subscriber’s Private Key has been communicated to an unauthorized person or an organization not affiliated with the Subscriber, then TunTrust revokes all certificates that include the Public Key corresponding to the communicated Private Key.


Subscribers generate Key Pairs and submit the Public Key to TunTrust in a CSR as part of the Certificate request process. The Subscriber’s signature on the request is authenticated prior to issuing the Certificate.


TunTrust publishes all CA certificates on its online repository
The browser root certificate programs of which TunTrust is a member will also embed Root Certificate Public Keys into root stores and operating systems.


TunTrust uses RSA key pairs and it: ROOT CA CERTIFICATES

Digest algorithm SHA-256
RSA modulus size (bits) 4096 SUBORDINATE CA CERTIFICATES

Digest algorithm SHA-256
RSA modulus size (bits) 4096 SUBSCRIBER CERTIFICATES

Digest algorithm SHA-256
RSA modulus size (bits) 2048


TunTrust uses a HSM device that conforms to FIPS 186-4 and provides random number generation and onboard generation of up to 4096 bit RSA Public Key. The value of the public exponent is equal
to : 65537.
TunTrust uses CA software that performs quality checks on generated keys for RSA algorithm and also performs regular internal audits against randomly selected samples of Subscriber Certificates per section 8.7.


Private Keys corresponding to Root Certificates are not used to sign Certificates except in the following cases:


TunTrust implements physical and logical safeguards to prevent unauthorized Certificate issuance. Protection of the CA Private Key outside the validated system or device specified in section 6.2.7 consists of physical security and encryption, implemented in a manner that prevents disclosure of the CA Private Key. TunTrust encrypts its Private Key with an algorithm and key-length that, according to the state of the art, are capable of withstanding cryptanalytic attacks for the residual life of the encrypted key or key part.
For subscriber keys, TunTrust requires that the private key holder uses reasonable steps to protect the key, such as restrictive permissions and possibly key encryption using a strong passphrase.


The following list shows the requirements for the different users of hardware cryptographic modules are implemented:


In all instances, CA private keys are generated in a physically secure environment within cryptographic modules that are validated to FIPS 140-2 Level-3. CA Certificate signing keys are only used within this secure environment. Access to the modules within the TunTrust environment, including the private keys, is restricted by the use of token/smart cards and associated pass phrases. These smartcards and pass phrases are allocated among multiple Shareholders in Trusted Roles. Such allocation ensures that no one member of TunTrust personnel in Trusted Roles holds total control over any component of the system. The hardware security modules are always stored in a physically secure environment and are subject to security controls throughout their lifecycle.
The following list shows how multi-person controls are implemented:


TunTrust does not escrow Private Keys for any reason.


TunTrust creates backup copies of CA private keys for routine recovery and disaster recovery purposes. Such keys are stored in encrypted form within hardware cryptographic modules and associated key storage devices under the same multi-person control as the original Private Key. Cryptographic modules used for private key storage meet the requirements of this CP/CPS. Private keys are copied to backup hardware cryptographic modules in accordance with this CP/CPS.


TunTrust does not archive Subscriber Private Keys.


TunTrust CA Private Keys are generated, activated and stored in Hardware Security Modules. Private Keys are exported from the HSM only for backup purposes. Private keys are transferred between HSMs according to manufacturers’ specifications, and only leave the originating device in encrypted form.
When transported between cryptographic modules, the CA encrypts the private key and protects the keys used for encryption from disclosure.


TunTrust stores the CAs Private Keys on a FIPS 140-2 level 3 Hardware Security module which includes requirements to protect the Private Key and other assets against known threats.


TunTrust is responsible for activating the Private Key in accordance with the instructions and documentation provided by the manufacturer of the hardware security module.
The following list shows how private keys are activated:


TunTrust deactivates access to its CA Private Keys and stores its cryptographic modules in a secure safe when not in use. TunTrust never leaves its HSM devices in an active unlocked or unattended state.
The method specified in Section 6.2.8 is operated for re-activation of private key.


TunTrust Private Keys are destroyed when they are no longer needed or when the Certificates to which they correspond have expired or have been revoked. Destroying Private Keys means that:


See section 6.2.1.



Public keys, in the form of certificates and certificate requests are archived as per Section 5.5.


The Validity Periods of Certificates issued by TunTrust are as follows:



TunTrust activates the cryptographic module containing its CA Private Keys according to the specifications of the hardware manufacturer. Generation and use of CA activation data used to activate CA Private Keys are made during a key ceremony. Activation data is assigned to shareholders in Trusted Roles as specified in section 5.2.1. The cryptographic hardware is held under multiple person control as explained in Section 5.2.2.


TunTrust CA activation data is protected from disclosure through a combination of cryptographic and physical access control mechanisms. TunTrust Activation data is protected via FIPS 140-2 Level 3 devices and may only be used via registered data entry devices.
Repeated attempts to wrongly enter PIN data will cause the activation devices to lock out, and new device issuance to be required.
Subscribers are solely responsible for protecting their private keys activation credentials (PIN, password) and not share them with anyone else.


TunTrust CA activation data are only held by TunTrust personnel in Trusted Roles as specified in section 5.2.1.



TunTrust uses a layered security approach to ensure the security and integrity of the computers used to run the CA software. The following non-exhaustive controls ensure the security of TunTrust operated computer systems:


TunTrust has established a security framework which covers and governs the technical aspects of its computer security.
As described in section 5.4.8, the systems themselves and the services running on the systems are subject to thorough reviews and testing (including penetration testing). TunTrust operates also a vulnerability management process which includes monitoring of supplier security alerts.
The technical aspects of computer security are subject to periodic audits.



TunTrust has mechanisms in place to control and monitor the acquisition and development of its CA systems.
Change requests require the approval of the change manager. Significant changes require the approval of TunTrust Board of Directors. All changes made to the CA systems are logged and tested before deployment.
In this manner, TunTrust can verify whether a change to the system has been properly evaluated for risk mitigation and authorized by management.
All acquisitions made by TunTrust follow the Tunisian national law for governmental procurements. This includes the publication of request for proposals and evaluating each proposal (thus each vendor) according to the set specifications.
All hardware and software are shipped under standard conditions with controls in place to ensure delivery of the component directly to a trusted employee who ensures that the equipment is installed without opportunity for tampering. Quality assurance is maintained throughout the process through testing and documentation or by purchasing from trusted vendors. Updates of equipment or software are purchased or developed in the same manner as the original equipment or software and are installed and tested by trusted and trained personnel.
Since TunTrust uses Linting software developed by third parties, it monitors for updated versions of that software and endeavors to plan for updates no later than three (3) months from the release of the update.
TunTrust MAY perform Linting on the corpus of its unexpired, un-revoked Subscriber Certificates whenever it updates the Linting software.


TunTrust CAs establish formal mechanisms to document, control, monitor, and maintain the security-related configurations and the integrity software, firmware and hardware of its CA systems, including any modifications or upgrades. The TunTrust CA’s monitoring control processes includes issuance of alerts automatically and in real time when any changes are detected.


TunTrust applies recommended security patches to Certificate Systems within six months of the security patch’s availability, unless it documents that the security patch would introduce additional vulnerabilities or instabilities that outweigh the benefits of applying the security patch.
TunTrust does one of the following within 96 hours of discovery of a Critical Vulnerability not previously addressed by TunTrust CA’s vulnerability correction process:


TunTrust CA system is connected to one internal network and is protected by firewalls, a Demilitarized Zone (DMZ) and Network Address Translation for all internal IP addresses. TunTrust’s customer support and vetting workstations are also protected by firewall(s) and only use internal IP addresses.
TunTrust maintains the Root CA Systems in a High Security Zone and in an offline state or air-gapped from all other networks. TunTrust Root CA Keys are kept offline and brought on-line only when necessary to sign Certificate Issuing CAs or periodic CRLs or OCSP Certificates.
Firewalls and boundary control devices are configured to allow access only by the addresses, ports, protocols and commands required for the trustworthy provision of PKI services by such systems. It is TunTrust 's security policy to block all ports and protocols and open only necessary ports to enable CA functions.
All CA equipment is configured with a minimum number of services and accounts and all unused network ports, accounts and services are disabled. All firewall configurations and changes thereto are documented, authorized and implemented in accordance with change management procedures. Changes to network configuration policy go through the same change management process as host devices, and are similarly documented, reviewed and approved.
TunTrust CA network configuration is available for review on-site by its auditors and consultants under an appropriate non-disclosure agreement.
TunTrust implements automated mechanisms under the control of TunTrust Trusted Roles to process logged system activity and alert multiple destinations of possible Critical Security Events. TunTrust requires trusted role personnel to follow up on alerts of possible Critical Security Events.


All TunTrust CA components are regularly synchronized with a reliable time service. TunTrust CA uses a GPS-NTP time source to establish the correct time for:


Certificate issued under this CP/CPS conform to the RFC 5280: Internet X.509 Public Key Infrastructure Certificate and Certificate Revocation List (CRL) Profile.


TunTrust meets the technical requirements set forth in Section 2.2 - Publication of Certification Information, Section 6.1.5 - Key Sizes, and Section 6.1.6 - Public Key Parameters Generation and Quality Checking.
The profiles of TunTrust CAs certificates are described in Appendix A of this CP/CPS.
The profiles of Subscribers certificates are described in Appendix B of this CP/CPS.
Prior to 2023-09-15, TunTrust issues Certificates in accordance with the profiles specified in the Baseline Requirements version 2.0.0 or the profiles specified in version 1.8.6 of the Baseline Requirements for the Issuance and Management of Publicly-Trusted TLS Server Certificates. Effective 2023-09-15, TunTrust issues Certificates in accordance with the profiles specified in the Baseline Requirements version 2.0.0.


TunTrust CAs issue X.509 version 3 Certificates.


All Certificates that TunTrust issues comply with one of the following certificate profiles described in section 7.1.2 of the Baseline Requirements, which incorporate, and are derived from RFC 5280. Except as explicitly noted, all normative requirements imposed by RFC 5280 shall apply, in addition to the normative requirements imposed by the Baseline Requirements.
X.509 v3 extensions are supported and used for Certificates profiles as described in Appendix A and Appendix B. ROOT CA CERTIFICATE PROFILE

Field Description
version MUST be v3(2)
serialNumber MUST be a non-sequential number greater than zero (0) and less than 2¹⁵⁹ containing at least 64 bits of output from a CSPRNG.
signature See Section
issuer Encoded value MUST be byte-for-byte identical to the encoded subject
validity See Section
subject See Section
subjectPublicKeyInfo See Section
issuerUniqueID MUST NOT be present
subjectUniqueID MUST NOT be present
extensions See Section
signatureAlgorithm Encoded value MUST be byte-for-byte identical to the tbsCertificate.signature.

Appendix A: TunTrust Root CA Certificate Profile ROOT CA VALIDITY

Field Minimum Maximum
notBefore One day prior to signing The time of signing
notAfter 2922 days (approx. 8 years) 9132 days (approx. 25 years)

Note: This restriction applies even when generating a new Root CA Certificate for an existing subject and subjectPublicKeyInfo (e.g., reissuance). The new CA Certificate MUST conform to these rules. ROOT CA EXTENSIONS
Extension Presence Critical Description
authorityKeyIdentifier RECOMMENDED N See Section
basicConstraints MUST Y See Section
keyUsage MUST Y See Section
subjectKeyIdentifier MUST N See Section
extKeyUsage MUST NOT N -
certificatePolicies NOT RECOMMENDED N See Section 0
Signed Certificate Timestamp List MAY N See Section
Field Description
keyIdentifier MUST be present. MUST be identical to the subjectKeyIdentifier field.
authorityCertIssuer MUST NOT be present
authorityCertSerialNumber MUST NOT be present ROOT CA BASIC CONSTRAINTS
Field Description
cA MUST be set TRUE

Not Applicable. TunTrust does not have Cross-Certified Subordinate CAs. TECHNICALLY CONSTRAINED NON-TLS SUBORDINATE CA CERTIFICATE PROFILE

Not Applicable. TunTrust does not have a technically constrained non-TLS Subordinate CA in this hierarchy. TECHNICALLY CONSTRAINED PRECERTIFICATE SIGNING CA CERTIFICATE PROFILE

Not Applicable. TunTrust does not have a technically constrained precertificate signing CA. TECHNICALLY CONSTRAINED TLS SUBORDINATE CA CERTIFICATE PROFILE

This Certificate Profile MAY be used when issuing a CA Certificate that will be considered Technically Constrained, and which will be used to issue TLS certificates directly or transitively.

Field Description
version MUST be v3(2)
serialNumber MUST be a non-sequential number greater than zero (0) and less than 2¹⁵⁹ containing at least 64 bits of output from a CSPRNG.
signature See Section
issuer MUST be byte-for-byte identical to the subject field of the Issuing CA. See Section
validity See Section
subject See Section
subjectPublicKeyInfo See Section
issuerUniqueID MUST NOT be present
subjectUniqueID MUST NOT be present
extensions See Section
signatureAlgorithm Encoded value MUST be byte-for-byte identical to the tbsCertificate.signature.
Extension Presence Critical Description
authorityKeyIdentifier MUST N See Section
basicConstraints MUST Y See Section
certificatePolicies MUST N See Section 0
crlDistributionPoints MUST N See Section
keyUsage MUST Y See Section
subjectKeyIdentifier MUST N See Section
extKeyUsage MUST N See Section
nameConstraints MUST * See Section
authorityInformationAccess SHOULD N See Section
Signed Certificate Timestamp List MAY N See Section

For a TLS Subordinate CA to be Technically Constrained, Name Constraints extension MUST be encoded as follows. As an explicit exception from RFC 5280, this extension SHOULD be marked critical but MAY be marked non-critical if compatibility with certain legacy applications that do not support Name Constraints is necessary.

nameConstraints requirements
Field Description
permittedSubtrees The permittedSubtrees MUST contain at least one GeneralSubtree for both the dNSName and iPAddress GeneralName name types, UNLESS the specified GeneralName name type appears within the excludedSubtrees to exclude all names of that name type. Additionally, the permittedSubtrees MUST contain at least one GeneralSubtree of the directoryName GeneralName name type.
GeneralSubtree Requirements for a GeneralSubtree that appears within a permittedSubtrees .
base See the table below for details.
minimum MUST NOT be present.
maximum MUST NOT be present.
excludedSubtrees The excludedSubtrees MUST contain at least one GeneralSubtree for each of the dNSName and iPAddress GeneralName name types, unless there is an instance of that name type in the permittedSubtrees . The directoryName name type is NOT RECOMMENDED.
GeneralSubtree Requirements for a GeneralSubtree that appears within an excludedSubtrees .
base See the table below for details.
minimum MUST NOT be present.
maximum MUST NOT be present.

The following table contains the requirements for the GeneralName that appears within the base of a GeneralSubtree in either the permittedSubtrees or `excludedSubtrees`
GeneralName requirements for the base field

Name Type Presence Permitted Subtrees Excluded Subtrees Entire Namespace Exclusion
dNSName MUST The CA MUST confirm that the Applicant has registered the dNSName or has been authorized by the domain registrant to act on their behalf. See Section If no dNSName instance is present in the permittedSubtrees , the CA MUST include a zero-length dNSName to indicate no domain names are permitted. If no dNSName instance is present in the permittedSubtrees , the CA MUST include a zero-length dNSName to indicate no domain names are permitted.
iPAddress MUST The CA MUST confirm that the Applicant has been assigned the iPAddress range or has been authorized by the assigner to act on the assignee’s behalf. See Section If at least one iPAddress instance is present in the permittedSubtrees , the CA MAY indicate one or more subdivisions of those ranges to be excluded. If no IPv4 iPAddress is present in the permittedSubtrees , the CA MUST include an iPAddress of 8 zero octets, indicating the IPv4 range of being excluded. If no IPv6 iPAddress is present, the CA MUST include an iPAddress of 32 zero octets, indicating the IPv6 range of ::0/0 being excluded.
directoryName MUST The CA MUST confirm the Applicant’s and/or Subsidiary’s name attributes to ensure all issued certificates comply with the relevant Certificate Profile (see Section 7.1.2), including Name Forms (see Section 7.1.4). It is NOT RECOMMENDED to include values within excludedSubtrees . The CA MUST include a value within permittedSubtrees . As such, this does not apply. See the Excluded Subtrees requirements for more.
otherName NOT RECOMMENDED See below See below See below
Any other value MUST NOT - - -

Any otherName, if present:

  1. MUST apply in the context of the public Internet, unless:

    a. the type-id falls within an OID arc for which the Applicant demonstrates ownership, or,
    b. the Applicant can otherwise demonstrate the right to assert the data in a public context.

  2. MUST NOT include semantics that will mislead the Relying Party about certificate information verified by the CA.

  3. MUST be DER encoded according to the relevant ASN.1 module defining the otherName type-id and value.

CAs SHALL NOT include additional names unless the CA is aware of a reason for including the data in the Certificate. TLS Subordinate CA Certificate Profile

Field Description
version MUST be v3 (value 2).
serialNumber MUST be a non-sequential number greater than zero (0) and less than 2 159;, containing at least 64 bits of output from a CSPRNG.
signature See Section
issuer MUST be byte-for-byte identical to the subject field of the Issuing CA. See Section
validity See Section
subject See Section
subjectPublicKeyInfo See Section
issuerUniqueID MUST NOT be present.
subjectUniqueID MUST NOT be present.
extensions See Section
signatureAlgorithm The encoded value MUST be byte-for-byte identical to the tbsCertificate.signature .
signature TLS Subordinate CA Extensions
Extension Presence Critical Description
authorityKeyIdentifier MUST N See Section
basicConstraints MUST Y See Section
certificatePolicies MUST N See Section 0
crlDistributionPoints MUST N See Section
keyUsage MUST Y See Section
subjectKeyIdentifier MUST N See Section
extKeyUsage MUST N See Section
authorityInformationAccess SHOULD N See Section
nameConstraints MAY * See Section 0
Signed Certificate Timestamp List MAY N See Section
Any other extension NOT RECOMMENDED - See Section

The profile of TunTrust Services CA is available in Appendix A of this CP/CPS. SUBSCRIBER (SERVER) CERTIFICATE PROFILE

Field Description
version MUST be v3(2)
serialNumber MUST be a non-sequential number greater than zero (0) and less than 2¹⁵⁹ containing at least 64 bits of output from a CSPRNG.
signature See Section
issuer MUST be byte-for-byte identical to the subject field of the Issuing CA. See Section
notBefore A value within 48 hours of the certificate signing operation.
notAfter See Section 6.3.2
subject See Section
subjectPublicKeyInfo See Section
issuerUniqueID MUST NOT be present
subjectUniqueID MUST NOT be present
extensions See Section
signatureAlgorithm Encoded value MUST be byte-for-byte identical to the tbsCertificate.signature.

There are four types of Subscriber Certificates that may be issued, which vary based on the amount of Subject Information that is included. Each of these certificate types shares a common profile, with three exceptions: the subject name fields that may occur, how those fields are validated, and the contents of the certificatePolicies extension.

Type Description
Domain Validated (DV) See Section
Individual Validated (IV) See Section
Organization Validated (OV) See Section
Extended Validation (EV) See Section

Note: Although each Subscriber Certificate type varies in Subject Information, all Certificates provide the same level of assurance of the device identity (domain name and/or IP address). TunTrust issues OV SSL Certificates with this hierarchy. Refer to Appendix B for TunTrust Subscriber Certificate Profile. DOMAIN VALIDATED

Not Applicable. TunTrust issues only OV SSL Certificates using this hierarchy. INDIVIDUAL VALIDATED

Not Applicable. TunTrust issues only OV SSL Certificates using this hierarchy. ORGANIZATION VALIDATED

For a Subscriber Certificate to be Organization Validated, it MUST meet the following profile:

Field Requirements
subject See following table.
certificatePolicies MUST be present. MUST assert the Reserved Certificate Policy Identifier of as a policyIdentifier. See Section
All other extensions See Section

All subject names MUST be encoded as specified in Section 7.1.4.

The following table details the acceptable AttributeTypes that may appear within the type field of an AttributeTypeAndValue, as well as the contents permitted within the value field.

Organization Validated subject Attributes

Attribute Name Presence Value Verification
domainComponent MAY If present, this field MUST contain a Domain Label from a Domain Name. The domain-Component fields for the Domain Name MUST be in a single ordered sequence containing all Domain Labels from the Domain Name. The Domain Labels MUST be encoded in the reverse order to the on-wire representation of domain names in the DNS protocol, so that the Domain Label closest to the root is encoded first. Multiple instances MAY be present. [Section 3.2]
countryName MUST The two-letter ISO 3166-1 country code for the country associated with the Subject. If a Country is not represented by an official ISO 3166-1 country code, the CA MUST specify the ISO 3166-1 user-assigned code of XX, indicating that an official ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code has not been assigned. Section
stateOrProvinceName MUST / MAY MUST be present if localityName is absent, MAY be present otherwise. If present, MUST contain the Subject’s state or province information. Section
localityName MUST / MAY MUST be present if stateOrProvinceName is absent, MAY be present otherwise. If present, MUST contain the Subject’s locality information. Section
postalCode NOT RECOMMENDED If present, MUST contain the Subject’s zip or postal information. Section
streetAddress NOT RECOMMENDED If present, MUST contain the Subject’s street address information. Multiple instances MAY be present. Section
organizationName MUST The Subject’s name and/or DBA/tradename. The CA MAY include information in this field that differs slightly from the verified name, such as common variations or abbreviations, provided that the CA documents the difference and any abbreviations used are locally accepted abbreviations; e.g. if the official record shows “Company Name Incorporated”, the CA MAY use “Company Name Inc.” or “Company Name”. If both are included, the DBA/tradename SHALL appear first, followed by the Subject's name in parentheses. Section
surname MUST NOT - -
givenName MUST NOT - -
organizationalUnitName MUST NOT - -
commonName NOT RECOMMENDED If present, MUST contain a value derived from the subjectAltName extension according to Section -
Any other attribute NOT RECOMMENDED - See Section

Subject attributes don’t contain only metadata such as ‘.’, ‘-’, and ’ ’ (i.e. space) characters, and/or any other indication that the value is absent, incomplete, or not applicable. EXTENDED VALIDATION

Not Applicable. TunTrust issues only OV SSL Certificates using this hierarchy. SUBSCRIBER CERTIFICATE EXTENSIONS
Extension Presence Critical Description
authorityInformationAccess MUST N See Section
authorityKeyIdentifier MUST N See Section
certificatePolicies MUST N See Section
extKeyUsage MUST N See Section
subjectAltName MUST * See Section
nameConstraints MUST NOT - -
keyUsage SHOULD Y See Section
basicConstraints MAY Y See Section
crlDistributionPoints * N See Section
Signed Certificate Timestamp List MAY N See Section
subjectKeyIdentifier NOT RECOMMENDED N See Section
Any other extension NOT RECOMMENDED - See Section


The AuthorityInfoAccessSyntax MUST contain one or more AccessDescriptions. Each AccessDescription MUST only contain a permitted accessMethod, as detailed below, and each accessLocation MUST be encoded as the specified GeneralName type.

The AuthorityInfoAccessSyntax MAY contain multiple AccessDescriptions with the same accessMethod, if permitted for that accessMethod. When multiple AccessDescriptions are present with the same accessMethod, each accessLocation MUST be unique, and each AccessDescription MUST be ordered in priority for that accessMethod, with the most-preferred accessLocation being the first AccessDescription. No ordering requirements are given for AccessDescriptions that contain different accessMethods, provided that previous requirement is satisfied.

Access Method OID Access Location Presence Maximum Description
id-ad-ocsp uniformResourceIdentifier MAY * A HTTP URL of the Issuing CA’s OCSP responder.
id-ad-caIssuers uniformResourceIdentifier SHOULD * A HTTP URL of the Issuing CA’s certificate.
Any other value - - MUST NOT - No other accessMethods may be used. Subscriber Certificate Basic Constraints
Field Description

If present, the Certificate Policies extension MUST contain at least one PolicyInformation. Each PolicyInformation MUST match the following profile: SUBSCRIBER CERTIFICATE CERTIFICATE POLICIES

If present, the Certificate Policies extension MUST contain at least one PolicyInformation. Each PolicyInformation MUST match the following profile:

Field Presence Contents
policyIdentifier MUST One of the following policy identifiers:
A Reserved Certificate Policy Identifier MUST The Reserved Certificate Policy Identifier (see Section associated with the given Subscriber Certificate type (see Section
anyPolicy MUST NOT. The anyPolicy Policy Identifier MUST NOT be present.
Any other identifier MAY If present, MUST be defined and documented in the CA’s Certificate Policy and/or Certification Practice Statement.
policyQualifiers NOT RECOMMENDED If present, MUST contain only permitted policyQualifiers from the table below.

This Profile RECOMMENDS that the first PolicyInformation value within the Certificate Policies extension contains the Reserved Certificate Policy Identifier (see Section Regardless of the order of PolicyInformation values, the Certificate Policies extension MUST contain exactly one Reserved Certificate Policy Identifier.

Permitted policyQualifiers

Qualifier ID Presence Field Type Contents
id-qt-cps (OID: MAY IA5String The HTTP or HTTPS URL for the Issuing CA’s Certificate Policies, Certification Practice Statement, Relying Party Agreement, or other pointer to online policy information provided by the Issuing CA.
Any other qualifier MUST NOT - - Subscriber Certificate Extended Key Usage
Key Purpose OID Presence
id-kp-serverAuth MUST
id-kp-clientAuth MAY
id-kp-codeSigning MUST NOT
id-kp-emailProtection MUST NOT
id-kp-timeStamping MUST NOT
id-kp-OCSPSigning MUST NOT
anyExtendedKeyUsage MUST NOT
Precertificate Signing Certificate MUST NOT

The acceptable Key Usage values vary based on whether the Certificate’s subjectPublicKeyInfo identifies an RSA public key or an ECC public key. CAs MUST ensure the Key Usage is appropriate for the Certificate Public Key. TunTrust only uses RSA Public Keys in this CA hierarchy.
Key Usage for RSA Public Keys

Key Usage for RSA Public Keys

Key Usage Permitted Required
digitalSignature Y SHOULD
nonRepudiation N
keyEncipherment Y MAY
dataEncipherment Y NOT RECOMMENDED
keyAgreement N
keyCertSign N
cRLSign N
encipherOnly N
decipherOnly N

Note: At least one Key Usage MUST be set for RSA Public Keys. The digitalSignature bit is REQUIRED for use with modern protocols, such as TLS 1.3, and secure ciphersuites, while the keyEncipherment bit MAY be asserted to support older protocols, such as TLS 1.2, when using insecure ciphersuites. Subscribers MAY wish to ensure key separation to limit the risk from such legacy protocols, and thus a CA MAY issue a Subscriber certificate that only asserts the keyEncipherment bit. For most Subscribers, the digitalSignature bit is sufficient, while Subscribers that want to mix insecure and secure ciphersuites with the same algorithm may choose to assert both digitalSignature and keyEncipherment within the same certificate, although this is NOT RECOMMENDED. The dataEncipherment bit is currently permitted, although setting it is NOT RECOMMENDED, as it is a Pending Prohibition ( Therefore, TunTrust does not use the dataEncipherment bit. SUBSCRIBER CERTIFICATE SUBJECT ALTERNATIVE NAME

For Subscriber Certificates, the Subject Alternative Name MUST be present and MUST contain at least one dNSName or iPAddress GeneralName. See below for further requirements about the permitted fields and their validation requirements.

If the subject field of the certificate is an empty SEQUENCE, this extension MUST be marked critical, as specified in RFC 5280, Section Otherwise, this extension MUST NOT be marked critical.

GeneralName within a subjectAltName extension

Name Type Permitted Validation
otherName N -
rfc822Name N -
dNSName Y The entry MUST contain either a Fully-Qualified Domain Name or Wildcard Domain Name that the CA has validated in accordance with Section Wildcard Domain Names MUST be validated for consistency with Section The entry MUST NOT contain an Internal Name. The Fully-Qualified Domain Name or the FQDN portion of the Wildcard Domain Name contained in the entry MUST be composed entirely of P-Labels or Non-Reserved LDH Labels joined together by a U+002E FULL STOP (“.”) character. The zero-length Domain Label representing the root zone of the Internet Domain Name System MUST NOT be included (e.g. “” MUST be encoded as “” and MUST NOT be encoded as “”).
x400Address N -
directoryName N -
ediPartyName N -
uniformResourceIdentifier N -
iPAddress Y The entry MUST contain the IPv4 or IPv6 address that the CA has confirmed the Applicant controls or has been granted the right to use through a method specified in Section The entry MUST NOT contain a Reserved IP Address.

If the Issuing CA does not directly sign OCSP responses, it MAY make use of an OCSP Authorized Responder, as defined by RFC 6960. The Issuing CA of the Responder MUST be the same as the Issuing CA for the Certificates it provides responses for.

Refer to Appendix D for TunTrust OCSP profile.

Field Description
version MUST be v3(2)
serialNumber MUST be a non-sequential number greater than zero (0) and less than 2¹⁵⁹ containing at least 64 bits of output from a CSPRNG.
signature See Section
issuer MUST be byte-for-byte identical to the subject field of the Issuing CA. See Section
validity See Section
subject See Section
subjectPublicKeyInfo See Section
issuerUniqueID MUST NOT be present
subjectUniqueID MUST NOT be present
extensions See Section
signatureAlgorithm Encoded value MUST be byte-for-byte identical to the tbsCertificate.signature.
Field Minimum Maximum
notBefore One day prior to the time of signing The time of signing
notAfter The time of signing Unspecified OCSP RESPONDER VALIDITY
Extension Presence Critical Description
authorityKeyIdentifier MUST N See Section
extKeyUsage MUST - See Section
id-pkix-ocsp-nocheck MUST N See Section 0
keyUsage MUST Y See Section
basicConstraints MAY Y See Section
nameConstraints MUST NOT - -
subjectAltName MUST NOT - -
subjectKeyIdentifier SHOULD N See Section
authorityInformationAccess NOT RECOMMENDED N See Section
certificatePolicies MUST NOT N See Section
crlDistributionPoints MUST NOT N See Section
Signed Certificate Timestamp List MAY N See Section

For OCSP Responder certificates, this extension is NOT RECOMMENDED, as the Relying Party should already possess the necessary information. In order to validate the given Responder certificate, the Relying Party must have access to the Issuing CA’s certificate, eliminating the need to provide id-ad-caIssuers. Similarly, because of the requirement for an OCSP Responder certificate to include the id-pkix-ocsp-nocheck extension, it is not necessary to provide id-ad-ocsp, as such responses will not be checked by Relying Parties.

If present, the AuthorityInfoAccessSyntax MUST contain one or more AccessDescriptions. Each AccessDescription MUST only contain a permitted accessMethod, as detailed below, and each AuthorityInfoAccessSyntax MUST contain all required AccessDescriptions.

Access Method OID Access Location Presence Maximum Description
id-ad-ocsp uniformResourceIdentifier NOT RECOMMENDED * A HTTP URL of the Issuing CA’s OCSP responder.
Any other value - - MUST NOT - No other accessMethods may be used. OCSP RESPONDER BASIC CONSTRAINTS

OCSP Responder certificates MUST NOT be CA certificates. The issuing CA may indicate this one of two ways: By omission of the basicConstraints extension, or through the inclusion of a basicConstraints extension that sets the cA boolean to FALSE . OCSP RESPONDER BASIC CONSTRAINTS DETAILS

Field Description
pathLenConstraint MUST NOT be present

Due to DER encoding rules regarding the encoding of DEFAULT values within OPTIONAL fields, a basicConstraints extension that sets the cA boolean to FALSE MUST have an extnValue OCTET STRING which is exactly the hex-encoded bytes 3000 , the encoded representation of an empty ASN.1 SEQUENCE value. OCSP RESPONDER EXTENDED KEY USAGE
Key Purpose OID Presence
id-kp-OCSPSigning MUST

The CA MUST include the id-pkix-ocsp-nocheck extension (OID: ).
This extension MUST have an extnValue OCTET STRING which is exactly the hex-encoded bytes 0500 , the encoded representation of the ASN.1 NULL value, as specified in RFC 6960, Section OCSP RESPONDER KEY USAGE
Key Usage Permitted Required
digitalSignature Y Y
nonRepudiation N
keyEncipherment N
dataEncipherment N
keyAgreement N
keyCertSign N
cRLSign N
encipherOnly N

If present, the Certificate Policies extension MUST contain at least one PolicyInformation. Each PolicyInformation MUST match the following profile:

Permitted policyQualifiers

Field Presence Contents
policyIdentifier MUST One of the following policy identifiers:
A Reserved Certificate Poli-cy Identifier NOT RECOMMENDED
Any other identifier NOT RECOMMENDED If present, MUST be defined by the CA and documented by the CA in its Certificate Policy and/or Certification Practice Statement.
policyQualifiers NOT RECOMMENDED If present, MUST contain only permitted pol-icyQualifiers from the table below.
Qualifier ID Presence Field Type Contents
id-qt-cps (OID: MAY IA5String The HTTP or HTTPS URL for the Issuing CA’s Certificate Policies, Certification Practice Statement, Relying Party Agreement, or other pointer to online policy information provided by the Issuing CA.
Any other qualifier MUST NOT - -

Notes: See Section for applicable effective dates for when this extension may be included.
Notes: Because the Certificate Policies extension may be used to restrict the applicable usages for a Certificate, incorrect policies may result in OCSP Responder Certificates that fail to successfully validate, resulting in invalid OCSP Responses. Including the anyPolicy policy can reduce this risk, but adds to client processing complexity and interoperability issues. PRECERTIFICATE PROFILE

A Precertificate is a signed data structure that can be submitted to a Certificate Transparency log, as defined by RFC 6962. A Precertificate appears structurally identical to a Certificate, with the exception of a special critical poison extension in the extensions field, with the OID of . This extension ensures that the Precertificate will not be accepted as a Certificate by clients conforming to RFC 5280.

The existence of a signed Precertificate can be treated as evidence of a corresponding Certificate also existing, as the signature represents a binding commitment by the CA that it may issue such a Certificate.

A Precertificate is created after a CA has decided to issue a Certificate, but prior to the actual signing of the Certificate. Once a Precertificate is signed, relying parties are permitted to treat this as a binding commitment from the CA of the intent to issue a corresponding Certificate, or more commonly, that a corresponding Certificate exists.

A Certificate is said to be corresponding to a Precertificate based upon the value of the tbsCertificate contents, as transformed by the process defined in RFC 6962, Section 3.2.

This profile describes the transformations that are permitted to a Certificate to construct a Precertificate. TunTrust does not issue a Precertificate unless it is willing to issue a corresponding Certificate, regardless of whether it has done so. Similarly, TunTrust CAs do not issue a Precertificate unless the corresponding Certificate conforms to the Baseline Requirements, regardless of whether TunTrust CAs sign the corresponding Certificate.

A Precertificate is issued directly by TunTrust Issuing CA.

Field Description
     version Encoded value MUST be byte-for-byte identical to the version field of the Certificate.
     serialNumber Encoded value MUST be byte-for-byte identical to the serialNumber field of the Certificate.
     signature Encoded value MUST be byte-for-byte identical to the signature field of the Certificate.
     issuer Encoded value MUST be byte-for-byte identical to the issuer field of the Certificate.
     validity Encoded value MUST be byte-for-byte identical to the validity field of the Certificate.
     subject Encoded value MUST be byte-for-byte identical to the subject field of the Certificate.
     subjectPublicKeyInfo Encoded value MUST be byte-for-byte identical to the subjectPublicKeyInfo field of the Certificate.
     issuerUniqueID Encoded value MUST be byte-for-byte identical to the issuerUniqueID field of the Certificate, or omitted if omitted in the Certificate.
     subjectUniqueID Encoded value MUST be byte-for-byte identical to the subjectUniqueID field of the Certificate, or omitted if omitted in the Certificate.
     extensions See Section
signatureAlgorithm Encoded value MUST be byte-for-byte identical to the tbsCertificate.signature.
signature Precertificate Profile Extensions - Directly Issued

These extensions apply in the context of a Precertificate directly issued from a CA, and not from a Precertificate Signing CA Certificate, as defined in Section

Extension Presence Critical Description
Precertificate Poison (OID: MUST Y See Section
Signed Certificate Timestamp List MUST NOT -
Any other extension * * The order, criticality, and encoded values of all other extensions MUST be byte-for-byte identical to the extensions field of the Certificate.

Note: This requirement expresses that if the Precertificate Poison extension is removed from the Precertificate, and the Signed Certificate Timestamp List is removed from the certificate, the contents of the extensions field MUST be byte-for-byte identical to the Certificate. Precertificate Profile Extensions - Precertificate CA Issued

Not Applicable. Precertificate Poison

The Precertificate MUST contain the Precertificate Poison extension (OID:
This extension MUST have an extnValue OCTET STRING which is exactly the hex-encoded bytes 0500 , the encoded representation of the ASN.1 NULL value, as specified in RFC 6962, Section 3.1. Precertificate Authority Key Identifier

Not Applicable. TunTrust does not have a Precertificate Signing CA. Common CA Fields

This section contains several fields that are common among multiple CA Certificate profiles. However, these fields may not be common among all CA Certificate profiles.
Before issuing a certificate, the CA MUST ensure the certificate contents, including the contents of each field, comply in whole with all of the requirements of at least one Certificate Profile documented in Section 7.1.2. CA Certificate Validity
Field Minimum Maximum
notBefore One day prior to the time of signing The time of signing
notAfter The time of signing Unspecified CA CERTIFICATE NAMING

All subject names MUST be encoded as specified in Section 7.1.4.
The following table details the acceptable AttributeTypes that may appear within the type field of an AttributeTypeAndValue, as well as the contents permitted within the value field.

Attribute Name Presence Value Verification
countryName MUST The two-letter ISO 3166-1 country code for the country in which the CA’s place of business is located. Section
stateOrProvinceName MAY If present, the CA’s state or province information. Section
localityName MAY If present, the CA’s locality. Section
postalCode MAY If present, the CA’s zip or postal information. Section
streetAddress MAY If present, the CA’s street address. Multiple instances MAY be present. Section
organizationName MUST The CA’s name or DBA. The CA MAY include information in this field that differs slightly from the verified name, such as common variations or abbreviations, provided that the CA documents the difference and any abbreviations used are locally accepted abbreviations; e.g. if the official record shows “Company Name Incorporated”, the CA MAY use “Company Name Inc.” or “Company Name”. Section
organizationalUnitName This attribute MUST NOT be included in Root CA Certificates defined in Section or TLS Subordinate CA Certificates defined in Section or Technically-Constrained TLS Subordinate CA Certificates defined in Section This attribute SHOULD NOT be included in other types of CA Certificates. -
commonName MUST The contents SHOULD be an identifier for the certificate such that the certificate’s Name is unique across all certificates issued by the issuing certificate.

If present, the AuthorityInfoAccessSyntax MUST contain one or more AccessDescriptions. Each AccessDescription MUST only contain a permitted accessMethod, as detailed below, and each accessLocation MUST be encoded as the specified GeneralName type.

The AuthorityInfoAccessSyntax MAY contain multiple AccessDescriptions with the same accessMethod, if permitted for that accessMethod. When multiple AccessDescriptions are present with the same accessMethod, each accessLocation MUST be unique, and each AccessDescription MUST be ordered in priority for that accessMethod, with the most-preferred accessLocation being the first AccessDescription. No ordering requirements are given for AccessDescriptions that contain different accessMethods, provided that the previous requirement is satisfied.

Access Method OID Access Location Presence Maximum Description
id-ad-ocsp uniformResourceIdentifier MAY * A HTTP URL of the Issuing CA’s OCSP responder.
id-ad-caIssuers uniformResourceIdentifier MAY * A HTTP URL of the Issuing CA’s certificate.
Any other value - - MUST NOT - No other accessMethods may be used. CA CERTIFICATE BASIC CONSTRAINTS
Field Description
cA MUST be set TRUE

If present, the Certificate Policies extension MUST contain at least one PolicyInformation. Each PolicyInformation MUST match the following profile:

No Policy Restrictions (Affiliated CA

Field Presence Contents
policyIdentifier MUST When the Issuing CA wishes to express that there are no policy restrictions, the Subordinate CA MUST be an Affiliate of the Issuing CA. The Certificate Policies extension MUST contain only a single PolicyInformation value, which MUST contain the anyPolicy Policy Identifier.
anyPolicy MUST
policyQualifiers NOT RECOMMENDED If present, MUST contain only permitted policyQualifiers from the table below.

Policy Restricted

Field Presence Contents
policyIdentifier MUST One of the following policy identifiers:
A Reserved Certificate Policy Identifier MUST The CA MUST include at least one Reserved Certificate Policy Identifier (see Section associated with the given Subscriber Certificate type (see Section directly or transitively issued by this Certificate.
anyPolicy MUST NOT The anyPolicy Policy Identifier MUST NOT be present.
Any other identifier MAY If present, MUST be defined by the CA and documented by the CA in its Certificate Policy and/or Certification Practice Statement.
policyQualifiers NOT RECOMMENDED If present, MUST contain only permitted policyQualifiers from the table below.

This Profile RECOMMENDS that the first PolicyInformation value within the Certificate Policies extension contains the Reserved Certificate Policy Identifier (see Regardless of the order of PolicyInformation values, the Certificate Policies extension MUST contain exactly one Reserved Certificate Policy Identifier.

Note: policyQualifiers is NOT RECOMMENDED to be present in any Certificate issued under this Certificate Profile because this information increases the size of the Certificate without providing any value to a typical Relying Party, and the information may be obtained by other means when necessary. Therefore, the policyQualifiers is not present in TunTrust CA Certificates. CA CERTIFICATE EXTENDED KEY USAGE
Key Purpose OID Presence
id-kp-serverAuth MUST
id-kp-clientAuth MAY
id-kp-codeSigning MUST NOT
id-kp-emailProtection MUST NOT
id-kp-timeStamping MUST NOT
id-kp-OCSPSigning MUST NOT
anyExtendedKeyUsage MUST NOT
Precertificate Signing Certificate MUST NOT
Key Usage Permitted Required
digitalSignature Y N
nonRepudiation N
keyEncipherment N
dataEncipherment N
keyAgreement N
keyCertSign Y Y
cRLSign Y Y
encipherOnly N

If present, the Name Constraints extension MUST be encoded as follows. As an explicit exception from RFC 5280, this extension SHOULD be marked critical, but MAY be marked non-critical if compatibility with certain legacy applications that do not support Name Constraints is necessary.

Name Constraints Requirements

Field Description
GeneralSubtree The requirements for a GeneralSubtree that appears within a permittedSubtrees.
base See following table.
minimum MUST NOT be present.
maximum MUST NOT be present.
GeneralSubtree The requirements for a GeneralSubtree that appears within a permittedSubtrees.
base See following table.
minimum MUST NOT be present.
maximum MUST NOT be present.

GeneralName Requirements for the Base Field

Name Type Presence Permitted Subtrees Excluded Subtrees
dNSName MAY The CA MUST confirm that the Applicant has registered the dNSName or has been authorized by the domain registrant to act on the registrant’s behalf. See Section If at least one dNSName instance is present in the permittedSubtrees, the CA MAY indicate one or more subordinate domains to be excluded.
iPAddress MAY The CA MUST confirm that the Applicant has been assigned the iPAddress range or has been authorized by the assigner to act on the assignee’s behalf. See Section If at least one iPAddress instance is present in the permittedSubtrees, the CA MAY indicate one or more subdivisions of those ranges to be excluded.
directoryName MAY The CA MUST confirm the Applicant’s and/or Subsidiary’s name attributes such that all certificates issued will comply with the relevant Certificate Profile (see Section 7.1.2), including Name Forms (See Section 7.1.4). It is NOT RECOMMENDED to include values within excludedSubtrees.
rfc822Name NOT RECOMMENDED The CA MAY constrain to a mailbox, a particular host, or any address within a domain, as specified within RFC 5280, Section For each host, domain, or Domain portion of a Mailbox (as specified within RFC 5280, Section, the CA MUST confirm that the Applicant has registered the domain or has been authorized by the domain registrant to act on the registrant’s behalf. See Section If at least one rfc822Name instance is present in the permittedSubtrees, the CA MAY indicate one or more mailboxes, hosts, or domains to be excluded.
otherName NOT RECOMMENDED See below See below
Any other value NOT RECOMMENDED - -

Any otherName , if present:

  1. MUST apply in the context of the public Internet, unless:
  2. MUST NOT include semantics that will mislead the Relying Party about certificate information verified by the CA.
  3. MUST be DER encoded according to the relevant ASN.1 module defining the otherName type-id and value.

TunTrust does not include additional names in the Certificate. COMMON CERTIFICATE FIELDS

This section contains several fields that are common among multiple certificate profiles. However, these fields may not be common among all certificate profiles. Before issuing a certificate, the CA MUST ensure the certificate contents, including the contents of each field, comply in whole with all of the requirements of at least one Certificate Profile documented in Section 7.1.2. AUTHORITY KEY IDENTIFIER
Field Description
keyIdentifier MUST be present. MUST be identical to the subjectKeyIdentifier field of the Issuing CA.
authorityCertIssuer MUST NOT be present
authorityCertSerial-Number MUST NOT be present CRL DISTRIBUTION POINTS

The CRL Distribution Points extension MUST be present in:

The CRL Distribution Points extension SHOULD NOT be present in Root CA Certificates.
The CRL Distribution Points extension is OPTIONAL in Short-lived Subscriber Certificates.
The CRL Distribution Points extension MUST NOT be present in OCSP Responder Certificates.

When present, the CRL Distribution Points extension MUST contain at least one DistributionPoint ; containing more than one is NOT RECOMMENDED. All DistributionPoint items must be formatted as follows:

DistributionPoint Profile

Field Presence Description
distributionPoint MUST The DistributionPointName MUST be a fullName formatted as described below.
reasons MUST NOT

A fullName MUST contain at least one GeneralName ; it MAY contain more than one. All GeneralNames MUST be of type uniformResourceIdentifier , and the scheme of each MUST be “http”. The first GeneralName must contain the HTTP URL of the Issuing CA’s CRL service for this certificate. SIGNED CERTIFICATE TIMESTAMP LIST

If present, the Signed Certificate Timestamp List extension contents MUST be an OCTET STRING containing the encoded SignedCertificateTimestampList , as specified in RFC 6962, Section 3.3.
Each SignedCertificateTimestamp included within the SignedCertificateTimestampList MUST be for a PreCert LogEntryType that corresponds to the current certificate. SUBJECT KEY IDENTIFIER

If present, the subjectKeyIdentifier MUST be set as defined within RFC 5280, Section The CA MUST generate a subjectKeyIdentifier that is unique within the scope of all Certificates it has issued for each unique public key (the subjectPublicKeyInfo field of the tbsCertificate ). For example, CAs may generate the subject key identifier using an algorithm derived from the public key, or may generate a sufficiently-large unique number, such as by using a CSPRNG . OTHER EXTENSIONS

All extensions and extension values not directly addressed by the applicable certificate profile:

  1. MUST apply in the context of the public Internet, unless:
    a. the extension OID falls within an OID arc for which the Applicant demonstrates ownership, or,
    b. the Applicant can otherwise demonstrate the right to assert the data in a public context.
  2. MUST NOT include semantics that will mislead the Relying Party about certificate information verified by the CA (such as including an extension that indicates a Private Key is stored on a smart card, where the CA is not able to verify that the corresponding Private Key is confined to such hardware due to remote issuance).
  3. MUST be DER encoded according to the relevant ASN.1 module defining the extension and extension values.

TunTrust does not include additional names in the Certificate.


All signing algorithms used by TunTrust are sha256WithRSAEncryption . TunTrust CA does not, and never has, used SHA-1 as a component of any signature algorithm on a certificate.
Algorithms OID are conforming to IETF RFC 3279 and RFC 5280. SUBJECTPUBLICKEYINFO

TunTrust indicates an RSA key using the rsaEncryption (OID: 1.2.840.113549.1.1.1) algorithm identifier. The parameters are present, and are an explicit NULL .
When encoded, the AlgorithmIdentifier for RSA keys is byte-for-byte identical with the following hex-encoded bytes:
300d06092a864886f70d0101010500 . SIGNATURE ALGORITHMIDENTIFIER

All objects signed by a TunTrust CA Private Key MUST conform to the CA/B Forum Baseline Requirements on the use of the AlgorithmIdentifier or AlgorithmIdentifier -derived type in the context of signatures.
No other encodings are permitted for these fields.
When encoded, the AlgorithmIdentifier is byte-for-byte identical with the specified hex-encoded bytes:
RSASSA-PKCS1-v1_5 with SHA-256: 300d06092a864886f70d01010b0500 .

TunTrust does not sign SHA-1 hashes over:


This section details encoding rules that apply to all Certificates issued by a TunTrust CA. Further restrictions may be specified within Section 7.1.2, but these restrictions do not supersede the Baseline Requirements. NAME ENCODING

The following requirements apply to all Certificates listed in Section 7.1.2.

For every valid Certification Path (as defined by RFC 5280, Section 6):

  1. For each Certificate in the Certification Path, the encoded content of the Issuer Distinguished Name field of a Certificate is byte-for-byte identical with the encoded form of the Subject Distinguished Name field of the Issuing CA certificate.

  2. For each CA Certificate in the Certification Path, the encoded content of the Subject Distinguished Name field of a Certificate is byte-for-byte identical among all Certificates whose Subject Distinguished Names can be compared as equal according to RFC 5280, Section 7.1, and including expired and revoked Certificates.

When encoding a Name, TunTrust ensures that:

  1. Each Name MUST contain an RDNSequence.
  2. Each RelativeDistinguishedName MUST contain exactly one AttributeTypeAndValue.
  3. Each RelativeDistinguishedName, if present, is encoded within the RDNSequence in the order that it appears in Section

– For example, a RelativeDistinguishedName that contains a countryName AttributeTypeAndValue pair MUST be encoded within the RDNSequence before a RelativeDistinguishedName that contains a stateOrProvinceName AttributeTypeAndValue.

  1. Each Name MUST NOT contain more than one instance of a given AttributeTypeAndValue across all RelativeDistinguishedNames unless explicitly allowed in these Requirements.

Note: Section <span style=“color:red”>(unknown)</span> provides an exception to the above Name encoding requirements when issuing a Cross-Certified Subordinate CA Certificate, as described within that section. SUBJECT ATTRIBUTE ENCODING

The Baseline Requirements document defines requirements for the content and validation of a number of attributes that may appear within the subject field of a tbsCertificate. CAs SHALL NOT include these attributes unless their content has been validated as specified by, and only if permitted by, the relevant certificate profile specified within Section 7.1.2.
CAs that include attributes in the Certificate subject field that are listed in the table below SHALL encode those attributes in the relative order as they appear in the table and follow the specified encoding requirements for the attribute.

Encoding and Order Requirements for Selected Attributes

Attribute OID Specification Encoding Requirements Max Length
domainComponent 0.9.2342.19200300.100.1.25 RFC 4519 MUST use IA5String 63
countryName RFC 5280 MUST use PrintableString 2
stateOrProvinceName RFC 5280 MUST use UTF8String or PrintableString 128
localityName RFC 5280 MUST use UTF8String or PrintableString 128
postalCode X.520 MUST use UTF8String or PrintableString 40
streetAddress X.520 MUST use UTF8String or PrintableString 128
organizationName RFC 5280 MUST use UTF8String or PrintableString 64
surname RFC 5280 MUST use UTF8String or PrintableString 64
givenName RFC 5280 MUST use UTF8String or PrintableString 64
organizationalUnitName RFC 5280 MUST use UTF8String or PrintableString 64
commonName RFC 5280 MUST use UTF8String or PrintableString 64

CAs that include attributes in the Certificate subject field that are listed in the table below SHALL follow the specified encoding requirements for the attribute.

Encoding Requirements for Selected Attributes

Attribute OID Specification Encoding Requirements Max Length
businessCategory X.520 MUST use UTF8String or PrintableString 128
jurisdictionCountry Guidelines for the Issuance and Management of Extended Validation Certificates MUST use PrintableString 2
jurisdictionStateOrProvince Guidelines for the Issuance and Management of Extended Validation Certificates MUST use UTF8String or PrintableString 128
jurisdictionLocality Guidelines for the Issuance and Management of Extended Validation Certificates MUST use UTF8String or PrintableString 128
serialNumber RFC 5280 MUST use PrintableString 64
organizationIdentifier X.520 MUST use UTF8String or PrintableString None Subscriber Certificate Common Name Attribute

If present, this attribute MUST contain exactly one entry that is one of the values contained in the Certificate’s subjectAltName extension (see Section Since the value of the field is Fully-Qualified Domain Name or Wildcard Domain Name, then it MUST be encoded as a character-for-character copy of the dNSName entry value from the subjectAltName extension. Specifically, all Domain Labels of the Fully-Qualified Domain Name or FQDN portion of the Wildcard Domain Name must be encoded as LDH Labels, and P-Labels MUST NOT be converted to their Unicode representation. Other Subject Attributes

When explicitly stated as permitted by the relevant certificate profile specified within Section 7.1.2, CAs MAY include additional attributes within the AttributeTypeAndValue beyond those specified in Section

Before including such an attribute, TunTrust SHALL:


The TunTrust Services CA is technically constrained with restrictions to issue SSL Certificate for domain names under the top level domain “.tn” and owned by entities under the Tunisian Jurisdiction.

TunTrust Services CA
X509v3 Name Constraints
DirName: C = TN
IP: IP:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0/0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0**

7.1.6 Certificate Policy Object Identifier Reserved Certificate Policy Identifiers Root CA Certificates

TunTrust Root CA certificates do not contain any certificatePolicies extension, therefore do not have policy identifiers in them. Subordinate CA Certificates

TunTrust Issuing CAs contain the following policy identifiers (as described in Appendix A): Subscriber Certificates

SSL certificates must contain the certificate policy identifier .
The certificate policy identifiers of the Subscriber Certificates are listed in the certificatePolicies extension in Appendix B.
TunTrust Issuing CAs assert that the Certificates it issues containing the specified policy identifiers listed in the certificatePolicies extension in Appendix B, are managed in accordance with the CA/B Forum Baseline Requirements for the Issuance and Management of Publicly-Trusted TLS Server Certificates.

7.1.7 Usage of Policy Constraints Extension

Since the pathLenConstraint is set to zero, no policy constraints were placed on the Issuing CAs.

7.1.8 Policy Qualifiers Syntax and Semantics

TunTrust does not include anything in the Policy Qualifier field of the certificatePolicies extension.

7.1.9 Processing Semantics for the Critical Certificate Policies Extension

The certificatePolicies extension is set to non-critical in TunTrust CAs and Subscriber certificates.

7.2 CRL Profile

Prior to 2024‐03‐15, TunTrust SHALL issue CRLs in accordance with the profile specified in the current version of the Baseline Requirements for the Issuance and Management of Publicly‐Trusted Certificates or the profile specified in its 1.8.7 Version. Effective 2024‐03‐15, TunTrust SHALL issue CRLs in accordance with the profile specified in the current version of the Baseline Requirements.
All CRLs that TunTrust issues MUST comply with the following CRL profile, which incorporates, and is derived from RFC 5280. Except as explicitly noted, all normative requirements imposed by RFC 5280 shall apply, in addition to the normative requirements imposed by the Baseline Requirements for the Issuance and Management of Publicly‐Trusted Certificates. TunTrust CRL profiles description is available in Appendix C of this CP/CPS.
A full and complete CRL is a CRL whose scope includes all Certificates issued by the CA.
A partitioned CRL (sometimes referred to as a “sharded CRL”) is a CRL with a constrained scope, such as all Certificates issued by the CA during a certain period of time (“temporal sharding”). Aside from the presence of the Issuing Distribution Point extension (OID in partitioned CRLs, both CRL formats are syntactically the same from the perspective of this profile.
TunTrust issues a full and complete CRL and does not issue partitioned CRL nor indirect CRLs (i.e., the issuer of the CRL is not the issuer of all Certificates that are included in the scope of the CRL).

Field Presence Description
version MUST MUST be v2(1), see Section 7.2.1
signature MUST See Section
issuer MUST MUST be byte-for-byte identical to the subject field of the Issuing CA.
thisUpdate MUST Indicates the issue date of the CRL.
nextUpdate MUST Indicates the date by which the next CRL will be issued. For CRLs covering Subscriber Certificates, at most 10 days after the thisUpdate . For other CRLs, at most 12 months after the thisUpdate .
revokedCertificates * MUST be present if the CA has issued a Certificate that has been revoked and the corresponding entry has yet to appear on at least one regularly scheduled CRL beyond the revoked Certificate’s validity period. The CA SHOULD remove an entry for a corresponding Certificate after it has appeared on at least one regularly scheduled CRL beyond the revoked Certificate’s validity period. See the “revokedCertificates Component” table for additional requirements.
extensions MUST See the “CRL Extensions” table for additional requirements.
signatureAlgorithm MUST Encoded value MUST be byte-for-byte identical to the tbsCertList.signature .
signature MUST -
Any other value NOT RECOMMENDED -

7.2.1 Version Number(s)

The TunTrust CAs issue X.509 Version 2 CRLs in accordance with IETF PKIX RFC 5280.

7.2.2 CRL and CRL Entry Extensions

CRL Extensions

Extension Presence Critical Description
authorityKeyIdentifier MUST N See Section
CRLNumber MUST N MUST contain an INTEGER greater than or equal to zero (0) and less than 2¹⁵⁹, and convey a strictly increasing sequence.
IssuingDistributionPoint * Y See Section CRL Issuing Distribution Point
Any other extension NOT RECOMMENDED - -

RevokedCertificates Component

Component Presence Description
serialNumber MUST MUST be byte-for-byte identical to the serialNumber contained in the revoked Certificate.
revocationDate MUST Normally, the date and time revocation occurred. See the footnote following this table for circumstances where backdating is permitted.
crlEntryExtensions * See the “crlEntryExtensions Component” table for additional requirements.

Note: TunTrust will update the revocation date in a CRL entry when it is determined that the private key of the Certificate was compromised prior to the revocation date indicated in the CRL entry. Backdating the revocationDate field is an exception to best practice described in RFC 5280 (Section 5.3.2); however, these requirements specify the use of the revocationDate field to support TLS implementations that process the revocationDate field as the date when the Certificate is first considered to be compromised.

crlEntryExtensions Component

CRL Entry Extension Presence Description
reasonCode * When present (OID, MUST NOT be marked critical and MUST indicate the most appropriate reason for revocation of the Certificate. MUST be present unless the CRL entry is for a Certificate not technically capable of causing issuance and either 1) the CRL entry is for a Subscriber Certificate revoked prior to July 15, 2023, or 2) the reason for revocation (i.e., reasonCode ) is unspecified (0). See the “CRLReasons” table for additional requirements.
Any other value NOT RECOMMENDED -


RFC 5280 reasonCode RFC 5280 reasonCode value Description
unspecified 0 Represented by the omission of a reasonCode . MUST be omitted if the CRL entry is for a Certificate not technically capable of causing issuance unless the CRL entry is for a Subscriber Certificate revoked prior to July 15, 2023.
keyCompromise 1 Indicates that it is known or suspected that the Subscriber’s Private Key has been compromised.
affiliationChanged 3 Indicates that the Subject’s name or other Subject Identity Information in the Certificate has changed, but there is no cause to suspect that the Certificate’s Private Key has been compromised.
superseded 4 Indicates that the Certificate is being replaced because: the Subscriber has requested a new Certificate, the CA has reasonable evidence that the validation of domain authorization or control for any fully‐qualified domain name or IP address in the Certificate should not be relied upon, or the CA has revoked the Certificate for compliance reasons such as the Certificate does not comply with these Baseline Requirements or the CA’s CP or CPS.
cessationOfOperation 5 Indicates that the website with the Certificate is shut down prior to the expiration of the Certificate, or if the Subscriber no longer owns or controls the Domain Name in the Certificate prior to the expiration of the Certificate.
certificateHold 6 MUST NOT be included if the CRL entry is for 1) a Certificate subject to these Requirements, or 2) a Certificate not subject to these Requirements and was either A) issued on-or-after 2020-09-30 or B) has a notBefore on-or-after 2020-09-30.
privilegeWithdrawn 9 Indicates that there has been a subscriber-side infraction that has not resulted in keyCompromise, such as the Certificate Subscriber providing misleading information in their Certificate Request or failing to uphold their material obligations under the Subscriber Agreement or Terms of Use.

The Subscriber Agreement, and any online resource referenced therein, informs Subscribers about the revocation reason options listed above and provides explanation about when to choose each option. The tools that TunTrust provides to the Subscriber allow for these options to be easily specified when the Subscriber requests revocation of their Certificate, with the default value being that no revocation reason is provided (i.e. the default corresponds to the CRLReason “unspecified (0)” which results in no reasonCode extension being provided in the CRL).

The privilegeWithdrawn reasonCode is not made available to the Subscriber as a revocation reason option, because the use of this reasonCode is determined by TunTrust and not the Subscriber.

When TunTrust obtains verifiable evidence of Key Compromise for a Certificate whose CRL entry does not contain a reasonCode extension or has a reasonCode extension with a non-keyCompromise reason, TunTrust will update the CRL entry to enter keyCompromise as the CRLReason in the reasonCode extension when this is technically possible. CRL ISSUING DISTRIBUTION POINT

TunTrust does not issue partitioned CRLS.
TunTrust does not assert both of the onlyContainsUserCerts and onlyContainsCACerts fields.
The indirectCRL and onlyContainsAttributeCerts fields are set to FALSE (i.e., not asserted).
The onlySomeReasons field is not included; as TunTrust issues full and complete CRLs.


The TunTrust OCSP functionality is built according to RFC 6960.
The TunTrust provides uninterrupted on-line Certificate status protocol OCSP support which is a real time Certificate status inquiry. By this service, when appropriate Certificate status inquiries are received, the status of Certificates and additional information as required by the protocol are returned to the inquirer as the response.

If an OCSP response is for a Root CA and that certificate has been revoked, then the revocationReason field within the RevokedInfo of the CertStatus is present.

The CRLReason indicated contains a value permitted for CRLs, as specified in Section 7.2.2.


The OCSP service provided by TunTrust supports the v1 protocol version under the “IETF RFC 6960 Internet X.509 Public Key Infrastructure Online Certificate Status Protocol - OCSP” document.


TunTrust OCSP profile description is available in Appendix D of this CP/CPS.
The singleExtensions of an OCSP response does not contain the reasonCode (OID CRL entry extension.


TunTrust is a government entity licensed by Tunisian Law to act as a National Certification Authority. TunTrust operates at all times in compliance to the following:

  1. the requirements of this CP/CPS;
  2. the latest version of the Baseline Requirements for the Issuance and Management of Publicly-Trusted TLS Server Certificates of the CA/B Forum; and
  3. the latest versions of the WebTrust Principles and Criteria For Certification Authorities – SSL Baseline With Network Security and the WebTrust Principles And Criteria For Certification Authorities.


Although TunTrust issuing CA is technically constrained, all TunTrust CAs are subject to full audit as specified in section 8 of this CP/CPS.
An annual audit is performed by an independent external auditor to assess TunTrust’s compliance with requirements set forth above.
An audit period must not exceed one year in duration. In addition to that, more than one compliance audit per year is possible if this is requested by TunTrust or is a result of unsatisfactory results of a previous audit.


TunTrust’s audit is performed by a Qualified Auditor. A Qualified Auditor means a natural person, Legal Entity, or group of natural persons or Legal Entities that collectively possess the following qualifications and skills:

  1. Independence from the subject of the audit;
  2. The ability to conduct an audit that addresses the criteria specified in an Eligible Audit Scheme (see Section 8.1 of the CA/B Forum Baseline Requirements);
  3. For audits conducted in accordance with the WebTrust standard licensed by WebTrust;
  4. For audits conducted in accordance with any one of the ETSI standards accredited in accordance with ISO 17065 applying the requirements specified in ETSI EN 319 403;
  5. Employs individuals who have proficiency in examining Public Key Infrastructure technology, information security tools and techniques, information technology and security auditing, and the third-party attestation function; and
  6. Bound by law, government regulation, or professional code of ethics.


TunTrust utilizes independent auditors that do not have any financial interest or business relationship that could foreseeably create a significant bias for or against TunTrust.


TunTrust undergoes an audit in accordance with the current versions of WebTrust for CAs and WebTrust for CAs SSL Baseline with Network Security. Topics covered in this annual audit include, but are not limited to, the requirements of this CP/CPS, environmental controls, CA key management, and certificate life cycle management.
The chosen audit scheme incorporates periodic monitoring and/or accountability procedures to ensure that its audits continue to be conducted in accordance with the requirements of the scheme.
The audit is conducted by a Qualified Auditor, as specified in Section 8.2.


With respect to compliance audits of TunTrust’s operations, significant exceptions or deficiencies identified during the compliance audit will result in a determination of actions to be taken. This determination is made by TunTrust Board of Directors with input from the auditor. If exceptions or deficiencies are identified, TunTrust management is responsible for developing and implementing a corrective action plan. Once the plan has been implemented, TunTrust will call for an auxiliary audit to verify that the noted deficiencies have been remediated.
If the deficiency is deemed so serious, or the time to remediate so long as to call into question the integrity of certificates issued, TunTrust CA will inform the relevant browser root certificate program managers that a serious deficiency in practice has been uncovered, and that they should take such steps as to mitigate the risk to their program’s integrity.
If the deficiency is deemed so serious, or the time to remediate so long as to call into question the integrity of certificates issued, TunTrust CA will inform the relevant root certificate program managers that a serious deficiency in practice has been uncovered, and that they should take such steps as to mitigate the risk to their program’s integrity.


TunTrust makes the Audit Report publicly available at The results will also be sent to any other appropriate entities that may be entitled by law, regulation, or agreement to receive a copy of the audit results. Such parties include the relevant browser root certificate program managers.
TunTrust makes its Audit Report publicly available no later than three months after the end of the audit period. In the event of a delay greater than three months, and if so requested by an Application Software Supplier, TunTrust will provide an explanatory letter signed by the Qualified Auditor.

The Audit Report contains at least the following clearly-labeled information:

  1. name of the organization being audited;
  2. name and address of the organization performing the audit;
  3. the SHA-256 fingerprint of all Roots and Subordinate CA Certificates, including Cross-Certified Subordinate CA Certificates, that were in-scope of the audit;
  4. audit criteria, with version number(s), that were used to audit each of the certificates (and associated keys);
  5. a list of the CA policy documents, with version numbers, referenced during the audit;
  6. whether the audit assessed a period of time or a point in time;
  7. the start date and end date of the Audit Period, for those that cover a period of time;
  8. the point in time date, for those that are for a point in time;
  9. the date the report was issued, which will necessarily be after the end date or point in time date.

An authoritative English language version of the publicly available audit information MUST be provided by the Qualified Auditor and TunTrust will ensure it is publicly available.

The Audit Report MUST be available as a PDF, and SHALL be text searchable for all information required. Each SHA-256 fingerprint within the Audit Report MUST be uppercase letters and MUST NOT contain colons, spaces, or line feeds.


TunTrust performs regular internal audits of its operations, personnel, and compliance with this CP/CPS.
During the period in which TunTrust issues Certificates, TunTrust monitors adherence to this CP/CPS and the CA/B Forum Baseline Requirements and strictly control its service quality by performing self-audits on at least a quarterly basis against a randomly selected sample of the greater of one Certificate or at least three percent of the Certificates issued by it during the period commencing immediately after the previous self-audit sample was taken.

TunTrust uses a Linting process to verify the technical accuracy of Certificates within the selected sample set independently of previous linting performed on the same Certificates.


9.1 FEES


TunTrust charges fees for issuing of Certificates according to the respective price list published on their website or made available upon request.
The update of the fees goes through the Board of Directors of TunTrust. After a favorable opinion, TunTrust forwards the proposal to the Ministry of Information Technology of Tunisia for approval.


TunTrust does not charge fees for access to its Certificate databases.


TunTrust does not charge a Certificate revocation fee or a fee for checking the validity status of an issued Certificate using a CRL or the OCSP.


TunTrust may elect to charge fees for its other services. Such fees will be outlined in the applicable Subscriber agreement.


TunTrust does not refund the fees of Certificates.



TunTrust currently maintains a commercial general liability insurance according to the National Law.


Since TunTrust is a governmental entity, it shall have access to other resources to support operations and pay damages for potential liability, which may be couched in terms of a minimum level of assets necessary to operate and cover contingencies that might occur within TunTrust PKI.


No warranty coverage is available for Subscribers and Relying Parties except the warranties# listed in section 9.6.1.



TunTrust keeps the following types of information confidential and maintains reasonable controls to prevent the exposure of such records to non-trusted personnel. Confidential information includes, but is not limited to:


The following are not considered confidential:


TunTrust protects and secures confidential information from disclosure. All employees of TunTrust are bound by TunTrust Information Security Policy and required by the security chart engagements to preserve the confidentiality of information so labeled.



TunTrust protects personal information in accordance with the Tunisian law N° 2004-63of July 27th, 2004 on the protection of personal data and TunTrust internal document.
TunTrust makes available to Subscribers and Relying Parties the company Privacy Policy on the website


TunTrust treats all personal information about an individual that is not publicly available in the contents of a Certificate, CRL or OCSP as private information. TunTrust protects private information using appropriate safeguards and a reasonable degree of care.


Private information does not include Certificates, CRLs, and the personal or corporate information appearing in them.


TunTrust employees and contractors are expected to handle personal information in strict confidence and meet the requirements of Tunisia law concerning the protection of personal data. All sensitive information is securely stored and protected against accidental disclosure.


Personal information obtained from an Applicant during the application or identity verification process is considered private information if the information is not included in a Certificate. As part of a Subscriber Agreement, all Subscribers consent to the global transfer of any personal data contained in the Certificate and agree to allow TunTrust to handle any private information required for the issuance and maintenance of certificates.


TunTrust will only release or disclose private information on judicial or other authoritative order.


TunTrust is not required to release any confidential information, unless as otherwise required by law, without an authenticated, reasonably specific request by a legal entity as stated in section 9.4.6.


TunTrust does not knowingly violate the intellectual property rights of third parties. Public and Private Keys remain the property of Subscribers who legitimately hold them.
TunTrust owns the intellectual property rights in TunTrust’s services, including the certificates, trademarks used in providing the services, and this CP/CPS. Certificate and revocation information are the property of TunTrust.

TunTrust grants permission to reproduce and distribute Certificates on a non-exclusive, royalty free basis, provided that they are reproduced and distributed in full.



By issuing a Certificate, TunTrust makes the Certificate warranties listed herein to the following Certificate Beneficiaries:

  1. Right to Use Domain Name: That, at the time of issuance, TunTrust (i) implemented a procedure for verifying that the Applicant either had the right to use, or had control of, the Domain Name(s) listed in the Certificate’s subject field and subjectAltName extension (or, only in the case of Domain Names, was delegated such right or control by someone who had such right to use or control); (ii) followed the procedure when issuing the Certificate; and (iii) accurately described the procedure in this CP/CPS;
  2. Authorization for Certificate: That, at the time of issuance, TunTrust (i) implemented a procedure for verifying that the Subject authorized the issuance of the Certificate and that the Applicant Representative is authorized to request the Certificate on behalf of the Subject; (ii) followed the procedure when issuing the Certificate; and (iii) accurately described the procedure in this CP/CPS;
  3. Accuracy of Information: That, at the time of issuance, TunTrust (i) implemented a procedure for verifying the accuracy of all of the information contained in the Certificate; (ii) followed the procedure when issuing the Certificate; and (iii) accurately described the procedure in this CP/CPS;
    Identity of Applicant: That, if the Certificate contains Subject Identity Information, TunTrust
  4. (i) implemented a procedure to verify the identity of the Applicant in accordance with Sections 3.2 and 7.1.2;
  5. (ii) followed the procedure when issuing the Certificate; and
  6. (iii) accurately described the procedure in this CP/CPS;
  7. Subscriber Agreement: That, if TunTrust and the Subscriber are not Affiliated, the Subscriber and TunTrust are parties to a legally valid and enforceable Subscriber Agreement that satisfies the CA/B Forum Baseline Requirements, or, if TunTrust and Subscriber are the same entity or are Affiliated, the Applicant Representative acknowledged the Terms of Use;
  8. Status: That TunTrust maintains a 24 x 7 publicly-accessible Repository with current information regarding the status (valid or revoked) of all unexpired Certificates; and
  9. Revocation: That TunTrust will revoke the Certificate for any of the reasons specified in the CA/B Forum Baseline Requirements.


TunTrust RA represents that:


TunTrust requires, as part of the Subscriber Agreement, that the Applicant makes the commitments and warranties in this section for the benefit of TunTrust and the Certificate Beneficiaries.

Prior to the issuance of a Certificate, TunTrust obtains, for the express benefit of TunTrust and the Certificate Beneficiaries, the Applicant’s agreement to the Subscriber Agreement with TunTrust CA.

TunTrust implements a process to ensure that each Subscriber Agreement is legally enforceable against the Applicant. In either case, the Agreement is applied to the Certificate to be issued pursuant to the Certificate request.

A separate Agreement is used for each Certificate request, or a single Agreement is used to cover multiple future Certificate requests and the resulting Certificates, so long as each Certificate that TunTrust issues to the Applicant is clearly covered by that Subscriber Agreement.

The Subscriber Agreement contains provisions imposing on the Applicant itself (or made by the Applicant on behalf of its principal or agent under a subcontractor or hosting service relationship) the following obligations and warranties:

  1. Accuracy of Information: An obligation and warranty to provide accurate and complete information at all times to TunTrust, both in the Certificate request and as otherwise requested by TunTrust in connection with the issuance of the Certificate(s) to be supplied by TunTrust;
  2. Protection of Private Key: An obligation and warranty by the Applicant to take all reasonable measures to assure control of, keep confidential, and properly protect at all times the Private Key that corresponds to the Public Key to be included in the requested Certificate(s) (and any associated activation data or device, e.g. password or token);
  3. Acceptance of Certificate: An obligation and warranty that the Subscriber will review and verify the Certificate contents for accuracy;
  4. Use of Certificate: An obligation and warranty to install the Certificate only on servers that are accessible at the subjectAltName(s) listed in the Certificate, and to use the Certificate solely in compliance with all applicable laws and solely in accordance with the Subscriber Agreement;
  5. Reporting and Revocation: An obligation and warranty to: (a) promptly request revocation of the Certificate, and cease using it and its associated Private Key, if there is any actual or suspected misuse or compromise of the Subscriber’s Private Key associated with the Public Key included in the Certificate, and (b) promptly request revocation of the Certificate, and cease using it, if any information in the Certificate is or becomes incorrect or inaccurate ;
  6. Termination of Use of Certificate: An obligation and warranty to promptly cease all use of the Private Key corresponding to the Public Key included in the Certificate upon revocation of that Certificate for reasons of Key Compromise ;
  7. Responsiveness: An obligation to respond to TunTrust’s instructions concerning Key Compromise or Certificate misuse within a specified time period ;
  8. Acknowledgment and Acceptance: An acknowledgment and acceptance that TunTrust is entitled to revoke the Certificate immediately if the Applicant were to violate the terms of the Subscriber Agreement or if revocation is required by the present CP/CPS, or the CA/B Forum Baseline Requirements.


Each Relying Party represents that, prior to relying on a TunTrust Certificate, it:


No implied or express warranties are given by TunTrust to other participants other than in Subscriber agreements, Relying Party agreements and any other agreements signed by TunTrust with Third Parties.


To the extent permitted by applicable law, this CP/CPS, the Subscriber Agreement, the Relying Party Agreement and any other contractual agreement applicable within the TunTrust PKI shall disclaim TunTrust possible warranties, including any warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.

To the extent permitted by applicable law, TunTrust makes no express or implied representations or warranties pursuant to this CP/CPS. TunTrust expressly disclaims any and all express or implied warranties of any type to any person, including any implied warranty of title, non-infringement, merchantability, or fitness for a particular purpose.


TunTrust is only liable for damages which are the result of its failure to comply with this CP/CPS and which were provoked deliberately or wantonly negligent.

TunTrust is not in any event liable for any loss of profits, indirect and consequential damages, or loss of data, to the extent permitted by applicable law. TunTrust is not liable for any damages resulting from infringements by the Subscriber or the Relying Party on the applicable terms and conditions.

TunTrust is not in any event liable for damages that result from force major events as detailed in section 9.15. TunTrust takes commercially reasonable measures to mitigate the effects of force major in due time. Any damages resulting of any delay caused by force major will not be covered by TunTrust.

The Subscriber is liable to TunTrust and Relying Parties for any damages resulting from misuse, willful misconduct, failure to meet regulatory obligations, or noncompliance with other provisions for using the Certificate.



Notwithstanding any limitations on its liability to Subscriber and Relying Parties, TunTrust acknowledges that the Application Software Suppliers who have a Root Certificate distribution agreement in place with TunTrust do not assume any obligation or potential liability of TunTrust under this CP/CPs or that otherwise might exist because of the issuance or maintenance of Certificates or reliance thereon by Relying Parties or others.

TunTrust shall defend, indemnify, and hold harmless each Application Software Supplier for any and all claims, damages, and losses suffered by such Application Software Supplier related to a Certificate issued by TunTrust, regardless of the cause of action or legal theory involved. This does not apply, however, to any claim, damages, or loss suffered by such Application Software Supplier related to a Certificate issued by TunTrust where such claim, damage, or loss was directly caused by such Application Software Supplier’s software displaying as not trustworthy a Certificate that is still valid, or displaying as trustworthy: (1) a Certificate that has expired, or (2) a Certificate that has been revoked (but only in cases where the revocation status is currently available from TunTrust online, and the application software either failed to check such status or ignored an indication of revoked status).

Additional indemnity provisions and obligations are contained within relevant contractual agreements such as the Subscriber Agreement and Relying Party Agreement.


To the extent permitted by law, each Subscriber shall release, indemnify and hold harmless TunTrust CA, and all TunTrust directors, shareholders, officers, agents, employees, contractors and successors of the foregoing, against any loss, damage, or expense, including reasonable attorney’s fees, related to (i) any misrepresentation or omission by Subscriber, regardless of whether the misrepresentation or omission was intentional or unintentional; (ii) Subscriber’s breach of its Subscriber Agreement, this CP/CPS, or applicable law; (iii) the compromise or unauthorized use of a certificate or Private Key caused by the Subscriber’s negligence or intentional acts; or (iv) Subscriber’s misuse of a certificate or Private Key.


To the extent permitted by law, each Relying Party shall release, indemnify and hold harmless TunTrust CA, and all TunTrust directors, shareholders, officers, agents, employees, contractors and successors of the foregoing against any loss, damage, or expense, including reasonable attorney’s fees, related to the Relying Party’s (i) breach of any service terms applicable to the services provided by TunTrust or its affiliates and used by the Relying Party, this CP/CPS, or applicable law; (ii) unreasonable reliance on a certificate; or (iii) failure to check the certificate’s status prior to use.


9.10.1 TERM

This CP/CPS and any amendments thereto, are effective upon publication in TunTrust’s Repository.


This CP/CPS, as may be amended from time to time, is effective until replaced by a new version, which shall be published in TunTrust’s Repository.


Upon Termination of this CP/CPS, Subscribers, and Relying Parties are bound by its terms for all Certificates issued, while it’s effective, for the remainder of the validity periods of such Certificates.


TunTrust, Subscribers, Applicants, Relying Parties and other participants will use official means of communication in public service as per Tunisia National Law.



This CP/CPS is reviewed at least annually and may be reviewed more frequently. Revisions of this CP/CPS are reviewed and approved within TunTrust Board of Directors. Amendments are made by posting an updated version of the CP/CPS to the online repository. Changes to this CP/CPS are indicated by an incremental version number.


Updates, amendments, and new versions of TunTrust’s CP/CPS shall be posted in TunTrust’s repository. Such publication shall serve as notice to all relevant entities.


If TunTrust’s Board of Directors determines that a change is necessary in the object identifier corresponding to this CP/CPS, the amendment shall contain new object identifiers for this CP/CPS. Otherwise, amendments shall not require a change in Certificate policy object identifier.


Parties are required to notify TunTrust and attempt to resolve disputes directly with TunTrust before resorting to any dispute resolution mechanism, including adjudication or any type of alternative dispute resolution.


This CP/CPS is governed, construed and interpreted in accordance with the laws of Tunisia. This choice of law is made to ensure consistency with TunTrust CA restriction to issue SSL Certificate for entities under the Tunisian jurisdiction. The law of Tunisia applies also to all TunTrust commercial or contractual relationships in which this CP/CPS may apply or quoted implicitly or explicitly in relation to TunTrust products and services where TunTrust acts as a provider, supplier, beneficiary receiver or otherwise.
Each party, including TunTrust partners, Subscribers and Relying Parties, irrevocably submit to the jurisdiction of the district courts of Ariana in Tunisia.


TunTrust issues Certificates and operate its PKI in accordance with Tunisian law.



This CP/CPS and the applicable Subscriber Agreement and Relying Party Agreement represent the entire agreement between any Subscriber or Relying Party and TunTrust and shall supersede any and all prior understandings and representations pertaining to its subject matter. In the event, however, of a conflict between this CP/CPS and any other express agreement between a Subscriber or Relying Party with TunTrust with respect to a Certificate, including but not limited to a Subscriber Agreement or the Relying Party Agreement shall take precedence.


Entities operating under this CP/CPS cannot assign their rights or obligations without the prior written consent of TunTrust.


In the event of a conflict between the CA/B Forum Baseline Requirements and a Tunisian law, regulation or government order, TunTrust may modify any conflicting requirement to the minimum extent necessary to make the requirement valid and legal in Tunisia.
This applies only to operations or certificate issuances that are subject to that Law. In such event, TunTrust will immediately (and prior to issuing a certificate under the modified requirement) include in this section a detailed reference to the Law requiring a modification of the CA/B Forum Baseline Requirements under this section, and the specific modification to the Baseline Requirements implemented by TunTrust.

TunTrust will also (prior to issuing a certificate under the modified requirement) notify the CA/Browser Forum of the relevant information newly added to its CP/CPS.
Any modification to TunTrust practice enabled under this section will be discontinued if and when the Law no longer applies, or the Baseline Requirements are modified to make it possible to comply with both them and the Law simultaneously. An appropriate change in practice, modification to this CP/CPS and a notice to the CA/Browser Forum, as outlined above, is made within 90 days.


TunTrust may seek indemnification and any fees (including reasonable attorney’s fees and court costs) from a party for damages, losses and expenses related to that party’s conduct.

TunTrust’s failure to enforce a provision of this CP/CPS does not waive TunTrust’s right to enforce the same provision later, or right to enforce any other provision of this CP/CP.


TunTrust is not liable for any delay or failure to perform an obligation under this CP/CPS to the extent that the delay or failure is caused by an occurrence beyond TunTrust’s reasonable control. The operation of the Internet is beyond TunTrust’s reasonable control.


The present CP/CPS does not state any conditions in this respect.


1. TunTrust Root CA

The following table describes the certificate profile of TunTrust Root CA:

Fields Critical Values
Version 3 (0x2)
Serial Number 13:02:d5:e2:40:4c:92:46:86:16:67:5d:b4:bb:bb:b2:6b:3e:fc:13
Signature Algorithm sha256WithRSAEncryption
Issuer C=TN, O=Agence Nationale de Certification Electronique, CN=TunTrust Root CA
Not Before Apr 26 08:57:56 2019 GMT
Not After Apr 26 08:57:56 2044 GMT
Subject C=TN, O=Agence Nationale de Certification Electronique, CN=TunTrust Root CA
Subject Public Key Info
Public Key Algorithm rsaEncryption
RSA Public Key 4096 bits
Exponent 65537 (0x10001)
X509v3 extensions
X509v3 Subject Key Identifier SHA-1 Hash of Subject public key
X509v3 Basic Constraints True CA: TRUE
X509v3 Authority Key Identifier Keyid: 06:9A:9B:1F:53:7D:F1:F5:A4:C8:D3:86:3E:A1:73:59:B4:F7:44:21
X509v3 Key Usage True Certificate Sign, CRL Sign
Signature Algorithm sha256WithRSAEncryption

2. TunTrust Services CA

The following table describes the certificate profile of TunTrust Services CA:

Fields Critical Values
Version 3 (0x2)
Serial Number 60:1a:7c:2f:60:93:b7:a6:73:da:5f:8c:9c:88:5f:37:a7:58:97:c0
Signature Algorithm sha256WithRSAEncryption
Issuer C=TN, O=Agence Nationale de Certification Electronique, CN=TunTrust Root CA
Not Before Apr 26 10:23:31 2019 GMT
Not After Apr 26 10:23:31 2039 GMT
Subject C=TN, O=Agence Nationale de Certification Electronique, CN=TunTrust Services CA
Subject Public Key Info
Public Key Algorithm rsaEncryption
RSA Public Key 4096 bits
Exponent 65537 (0x10001)
X509v3 extensions
X509v3 Name Constraints True Permitted: DNS:tn, DirName: C = TN Excluded: IP:, IP:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0/0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0
Authority Information Access CAIssuers - URI:
X509v3 Subject Key Identifier 9F:25:17:CE:6F:90:AB:61:2F:C1:47:A9:E0:2F:99:13:5D:FA:23:39
X509v3 Basic Constraints True CA: TRUE, pathlen:0
X509v3 Authority Key Identifier Keyid: 06:9A:9B:1F:53:7D:F1:F5:A4:C8:D3:86:3E:A1:73:59:B4:F7:44:21
X509v3 Certificate Policies Policy: 2.16.788.
X509 CRL Distribution Points URI:
X509v3 Key Usage True Certificate Sign, CRL Sign
X509v3 Extended Key Usage TLS Web Server Authentication, TLS Web Client Authentication
Signature Algorithm sha256WithRSAEncryption


The following table provides the description of the fields for TunTrust OVCP SSL Certificates issued under:

1. TunTrust Services CA

Base Profile Included Critical O/M13 CO14 Values
Version X False M S 3 (0x2)
Serial Number X False M FDV Validated on duplicates
Signature Algorithm X False M S SHA256 with RSA Encryption
Issuer X False M S C=TN, O=Agence Nationale de Certification Electronique, CN=TunTrust Services CA
Not Before X False M D Certificate generation process date/time
Not After X False M D Certificate generation process date/time + 365 days.
C, countryName X False M S TN
L, localityName X False M D Location in which the company’s registered office is established.
O, OrganizationName X False M D Contains the full registered name of the organization as listed in the official records of the Incorporating or Registration Agency in the Subject’s Jurisdiction of Incorporation or Registration or as otherwise verified by the CA.
serialNumber X False M D The SerialNumber attribute guarantees the uniqueness of the DN in the Certificate and is constructed by TunTrust RA.
CN, commonName X False O D If present, this field contains exactly one entry that is one of the values contained in the Certificate’s subjectAltName extension (see Section of the Baseline Requirements). Since the value of this field is a Fully-Qualified Domain Name or Wildcard Domain Name, then this value MUST be encoded as a character-for-character copy of the dNSName entry value from the subjectAltName extension. Specifically, all Domain Labels of the Fully-Qualified Domain Name or FQDN portion of the Wildcard Domain Name must be encoded as LDH Labels, and P-Labels MUST NOT be converted to their Unicode representation.
Subject Public Key Info:
Public Key Algorithm X False M S rsaEncryption
RSA Public Key X False M S (2048 bit)
Modulus (2048 bit) X False M S
Exponent X False M S 65537 (0x10001)
X509v3 extensions
Authority Information Access X False M S CA Issuers - URI:
X509v3 Subject Key Identifier X False M D This extension identifies the public key being certified.
X509v3 Basic Constraints X True M S CA:False
X509v3 Authority Key Identifier X False M S keyid:9F:25:17:CE:6F:90:AB:61:2F:C1:47:A9:E0:2F:99:13:5D:FA:23:39
X509v3 Certificate Policies X False M S Policy:
Policy: 2.16.788.
X509v3 CRL Distribution Points X False M S URI:
X506v3 Key Usage X True M S Digital Signature, Key Encipherment
X509v3 Extended Key Usage X False M S TLS Web Client Authentication, TLS Web Server Authentication
X509v3 Subject alternative Name X False M D DNS: FQDN (Fully-Qualified Domain Name) of application/server.

13 O/M: O = Optional, M = Mandatory.
14 CO = Content: S = Static, D = Dynamic, F = Formatted by CA, V = Validated by CA.


1. TunTrust Root CA CRL

The following table describes the CRL profile of TunTrust Root CA:

Field Value
Version 2 (0x1)
Signature Algorithm sha256WithRSAEncryption
Issuer /CN=TunTrust Root CA/O=Agence Nationale de Certification Electronique/C=TN
Last Update CRL generation process date/time.
Next Update CRL generation process date/time + 365 days
CRL extensions
X509v3 Authority Key Identifier 6:9A:9B:1F:53:7D:F1:F5:A4:C8:D3:86:3E:A1:73:59:B4:F7:44:21
X509v3 CRL Number A monotonically increasing sequence number
Revoked Certificates:
Serial Number Serial number of the revoked certificate
Revocation Date Date and time of the revocation
CRL entry extensions:
X509v3 CRL Reason Code Code of Reason of revocation
Signature Algorithm sha256WithRSAEncryption

2. TunTrust Services CA CRL

The following table describes the CRL profile of TunTrust Services CA:

Field Value
Version 2 (0x1)
Signature Algorithm sha256WithRSAEncryption
Issuer /CN=TunTrust Services CA/O=Agence Nationale de Certification Electronique/C=TN
Last Update CRL generation process date/time.
Next Update CRL generation process date/time + 6 days
CRL extensions
X509v3 Authority Key Identifier 9F:25:17:CE:6F:90:AB:61:2F:C1:47:A9:E0:2F:99:13:5D:FA:23:39
X509v3 CRL Number A monotonically increasing sequence number
Revoked Certificates:
Serial Number Serial number of the revoked certificate
Revocation Date Date and time of the revocation
CRL entry extensions:
X509v3 CRL Reason Code Code of Reason of revocation
Signature Algorithm sha256WithRSAEncryption


Base Profile Included Critical O/M<sup>15</sup> CO<sup>16</sup> Values
Version X False Version 3 Value = ‘2’
Serial Number X False FDV Validated on duplicates
Signature Algorithm
Algorithm X False S OID: 1.2.840.113549.1.1.11 (SHA256 with RSA Encryption)
Signature Value X False D Issuing CA Signature
Issuer DN X S Issuing CA DN
Subject DN X False
commonName X M D Name of the Validation Authority
countryName X M D Country in which the organization’s registered office is established (ISO3166).
OrganizationName X M D Contains the full registered name of the organization as listed in the official records of the Incorporating or Registration Agency in the Subject’s Jurisdiction of Incorporation or Registration or as otherwise verified by the CA.
Locality X M D Locality Name
Validity X False
Not Before X D Certificate generation process date/time
Not After X D Certificate generation process date/time + 730 days
subjectPublicKeyInfo X False
Algorithm X Public Key: Key length: 2048 bits (RSA)
SubjectPublicKey X M Exponent: 65537 (0x10001)
X509v3 extensions
X509v3 Authority Key Identifier X Authority Key Identifier
authorityInfoAccess X False
Authority Information Access X OCSP - URI:
X509v3 CRL Distribution Points X False S URI: URI of the CRL
subjectKeyIdentifier X False
keyIdentifier X This extension identifies the public key being certified.
X509v3 Basic Constraints X True CA: FALSE
KeyUsage X True
digitalSignature X S true
certificatePolicies X False
PolicyIdentifier Policy: Policy: 2.16.788.
OCSP No Check X S
Extended Key Usage X False
OCSP Signing: True X S True